9# Love

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I don't know why but I think I am in love with John. Ugh I know he's my driver but still I felt for him, he is so caring and loving. He is a perfect man for me. Well I pull him back. John looked calm and curious too

"I am sorry "I said looking down at my
Foot. I apologized him for hugging him suddenly. He might felt awkward.

" NO its okay Elisabeth "he said with tears in his eyes. Wait, what? Elisabeth?
".. Um.. I.. I mean ca.Caroline" then he wiped his tears and fake smiled

What the hell. Who is Elisabeth? Is she his girlfriend? Noway please God noooo.

"who is Elisabeth? " I asked him hesitantly.

" um.. She was 11 year old girl.. "he said smiling oh thank god, just a kid.

" oh okay nevermind "I can't explain how happy was I at the moment when I came across that Elisabeth was just a little girl. But was? Why did he call me Elisabeth?

" by the way why did you call me Elisabeth? And what do you mean by she WAS 11 yo girl? "

" um... when I was 13 years old, Elisabeth was 11 years old girl. I used to like her but soon I realized that she was very mean and rude '' he said laughing '' and I called u Elisabeth because you were also stubborn like her but now your changed I can see that you almost stopped drinking in short I like you too and this made me remember Elisabeth so It just slipped from my.. " as he was completing I cut him off and said" do you really like me? "oh I am on point yay

... There was a moment of silence

" yes I like you "John said smiling
oh shit why did I say like I should have said love, damn and it's so funny if ghosts might be witnessing our romantic show. Ohman it gives shivers.

" Caroline let's go to the hall "he said holding my hand and I nodded

We went up and sat on the same sofa

" John you won't believe me I saw the same thing as before.. A rocking chair and a dead pers... " As I was telling him I was cut off by him

" Caroline I believe you ever since you have come in this castle "I was surprised to hear this. was he not scared?

" if you believe me then why don't you tell me the truth? "

" I will.. At the right time Caroline " he said and went to his room


Someone knocked at my room door
I opened and saw john I smiled. He brought a chocolate cake wow I am so tired eating the same thing slice butter everyday

" hey, this is for you Caroline " i took that cake and sat on my bed and with a knife i sliced the cake into two small pieces and started to eat the one slice of cake

" come in and thanks by the way I love the cake "

John entered in my room and sat beside me on bed I offered him to eat but he refused I can notice his gaze on me, why was he staring at me?

" do you love someone Caroline? " he asked breaking the silence

" yes "
" who? "
" you "
As I said you he raised his eyebrow" what? "he asked softly

" why can't I love you John, just because your driver look If I kind of feelings for someone I simply say it instead of hiding it "

John laughed" are you sure that you love me?Looks like I am drunk "
What's so funny John ugh

" yes John I love you ''

''Caroline I like you too but it's not possible "he said holding my hand

" why? Do you have a girlfriend? "

" NO, I am married "
There was a moment of silence and I was in my greatest shock.

" Caroline? "John said with his concern eyes holding my shoulders

Whenever I was druk or rarely in my senses boys used to tried on me so that they could get a chance to have a billionaires daughter but I never liked those boys but John was someone I can't explain but I am now totally broken from inside... If he's married then why don't he tell me before?.. Bundle of questions were roaming my mind.

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lots of love

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