1# Moving To Haunted

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I closed my eyes and sighed.
''Well, past is our past. Whatever I was in my past I don't want to remember or think of it.
I am Caroline Dobrev, 17 year old girl and the  daughter of one of the most richest man in this world Thomas Dobrev. I m only the child of my father.. Maybe that's why I was so spoiled and I.. I was a drunker I mean like a girl who cannot live without wine.. a wine lover ..but please believe me what I said... It's not my imagination neither was i drunked? I was all in my senses.


''CARROOLLINEE'' my father Thomas Dobrev looked around the house in search of me '' DRIVER! ''he shouted
'' yyes sir? ''
'' where is my daughter? It's almost 3 of midnight. And she haven't arrive home yet! Did I not ordered all the servants to keep an eye on her and won't let her go out of her room and....just find her Darn it.. ''

Suddenly the door opened.

''holaa dady '' I said waving my hands like an idiot ''doooonot ask me where was i aanndd doonnoot ask meh why police is after me'' that's all I said I guess and fell on a couch unconscious.

'' oh my dear, what have you done to urself. Look at you, not even in ur senses.. Wait.. Police..?-? ''

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, one of the servant opened the door, 3 officers entered and my dad was astonished to see them unexpected.

''very glad to meet you sir as I have always dremt of meeting very important and interesting people of the world and I am very glad to take ur daughter as well... To prison '' said one of the cop, maintaining their stern faces.

'' EH what? ''

*sigh*''yes Mr. Dobrev, your daughter is going to be under handcuffs under the case of a MURDER ''

'' A.. What? ..''This was unbelievable for my father tho, he agrees that I am a wine lover, a drunker and takes drugs and a stubborn too with my temper due to my sickness but he  believes that I would never do such criminal folly thing
'' This is IMPOSSIBLE you idiot '' he made the word impossible a loud and continued '' Indeed my daughter is rarely in her senses, she came late, never listen to anyone nor obeys me BUT she would never do such a stupid acts which may cause my pride in vail. I am damn sure ''and yeah did I mentioned that my dady was soon to be selected as he took a part in elections.

Policeman : ''Well Mr Tomas dobrev of course you are a father and loves your child very much I can understand the love and affection of a caring father but.. ''

''with due respect GET OUT and mind your own business Mister '' wow my dad said almost turning his back towards the cop. He caught my attention listening everything and in utter gobsmacked state I rushed to my room and banged the door shut.

Finally the cop made it with a chuckle ''After having such respectful insult, I would never ignore the case of Caroline and I will put all of my efforts.. and if she's found guilty or I say MURDERER. she would face the punishment and you will loose your seat in elections. ''

My father gave him a murderous look . The cops smirked and left.

*knock knock *

''Caroline? R u alright? Dady is here child. '' my father said

I opened the door and tears started to pool down from my eyes '' dady.. ''

My dad was was shocked to see me
'' don't tell me the cops were right.''

''NO NO DADY... I just.. Can't believe that you trust me so much even tho i have always annoyed you by making silly mistakes and not obeying u ''

My dad got relieved and stroked his hand on my head.

''DAD?..what if i would have really murdered someone?''I asked him and he looked tensed

''what do you mean my child?''

''DAD... I was riding a way back to home with my 2 friends one was nina and other was my best friend jenifer who was driving the car because I was not in condition to drive. After we droped nina to her mansion, we were on the middle of silent and desolate road, a boy came in front out of nowhere of and got hit by our car. jenifer pushed the breaks and got out of the car and walk towards the motionless body of a boy who was all covered with blood and I was drunk so I just kept sitting on my seat and took it non seriously. At that time I dint knew what happened as i was trying to understand the situation. suddenly the cops came. The policeman ordered his other fellows to take the body and start making enquiries with both of us to which I replied that I simply don't know anything and when he looked at jenifer, she started to cry and told him that It was me who was driving the car and she warned me to avoid driving while I m drunk she exaggerated by saying that at the time of murder my intentions were to hit and run and if he won't believe her he could identify the owner of the car and of course the car was mine and SILLY ME, instead of telling them the truth I got scared, and I ... Drove away "I explained.
There was a moment of silence. It seemed like he was zoned out in his own thoughts but finally breaking the silence he said

" its midnight now go sleep and don't worry I will sort this matter "he smiled.


~~MORNING 10:00 AM ~~


Dr Smitt :
" r u sure thomas? I mean *sigh *look when a child do something wrong he or she would never let their parents to know the truth or let them know their fault... So... R u sure that ur daughter told u the truth? "

After hearing Doctor Smitt's opinion who was the personal physician of Caroline, Thomas began to think deeply about this matter

" dady " said Caroline
Thomas changed his mood as everything is fine and greet his daughter happily" oh good morning my dear "

Dr. Smith also greet her by saying" good morning caroline how is ur health? Did you sleep well? "

" yes Dr Smitt m good how about you? "
" oh me?, I m as young as forever haha "said Dr Smitt

Thomas replied" by the way doctor, what's ur age? "

" never ask me this disturbing question otherwise I have to appoint a doctor for myself "

They all had a great time drinking coffee, eating snacks and chatting and laughing with each other. Where as caroline starts drinking in her room.

Thomas to doctor smitt in hall :
" well I have taken a decision "

Dr Smitt : " what decision? "

" i have decided to send caroline to another area where she would be alone and will not be disturb by anyone, I hope she will learn the difference of vice and virtue when she will live all alone and have to sort matters by herself then she will get to know the meaning of life... Outside of world.... And in this way there would be no danger to my pride and position so caroline's statement doesn't matter as she is traveling tomorrow with my most trustworthy driver Johnathan ".... *sigh*" i hope my child would stop drinking and get well soon as she is suffering from depression meanwhile we will sort this case"

After a long thinking Dr Smitt agreed with him.

" by the way where are you headed to send her?''



Hey guys
I apologize for the errors or grammar mistakes if any. Also I would love to have ur reviews on my story.
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