What worried Patricia slightly was Alyssa's reaction to the news. She was sure that Alyssa would definitely not be happy about it. Just how upset she would be though, Patricia had no idea.

She took another sip of her drink and keenly observed her surroundings. With the soft music that the band was playing, the atmosphere was quite calm and relaxing.

From where she was sitting, Patricia could see a number of security men passing by the corridors hurriedly and as she looked around she saw that the number of Sullivan guards posted around the hall had increased significantly.

What's happening?..... she thought to herself, confused by the sudden increase in the security. From the flurry of movements going outside, she could feel as if something had occurred.

Placing the drink on the table she excused herself from the company of the other ladies and walked towards the exit, intending to know what was happening. She had not kept even one step out before she was flanked by numerous Sullivan guards.

"Has something happened?", she asked a little bewildered by their actions.

"We've been ordered to escort you to your suite ma'am", one of the guards said bowing his head slightly.

"And where is my husband?", she asked

"In the Conference Hall ma'am", was the prompt reply.

"Then I would like to go there as well, Lead the way", she commanded.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Sullivan but we are under strict orders to escort you back to your suite by the Don," the guard said apologetically.

Patricia was feeling more uneasy by the minute. She looked around and saw that the hotel lobby was crowded with men wearing black suits and carrying guns, while the entire staff was slowly lining up in the lobby with scared expression on their faces.

"Why has the security been increased?" she asked while staring at the happenings in the hotel lobby. When she didn't receive any answer she looked back at them only to see them exchanging nervous looks.

"Has something happened?", she repeated.

"We are not allowed to say anything to you about it ma'am ".

Patrticas eyebrows touched her hairline at that reply, "And why ever not?", she asked placing her hands on her hips and trying to appear intimidating.

"Mr.Logan's orders ",he said bowing his head.

"Well I'm his mother, so my order's take precedence over his. Now tell me what's happening. "

The guards exchanged uneasy looks between them again. Fed up with their cautious behaviour she commanded,

"If it is related to my family then I want to know what's wrong. And you will tell me whatever you know and if you cannot then lead me to the person who can."

And with that order Patricia began making her way to the conference room of the large hotel while the guards hurriedly formed a protective circle around her.

By the time they reached the corridor leading to the room where her husband was, Patricia's uneasiness had developed into dread. There were numerous guards lined outside the conference room one after another as if awaiting some orders.

One of the guard stepped forward and opened the door of the conference Hall and stepped back silently so that Patricia could enter. Even from where she was standing she could hear loud angry voices coming from inside the room.

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