4. BlindedByTheLight

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I must've stood in the shower for over half an hour. The joys of hotel showers, they seldom ran out of hot water. I rinsed my hair out, running my fingers through my now tangle free locks, making another mental note that I needed to get a cut, it was starting to get caught in things.

I climbed out of the shower, wrapping a large fluffy white towel around myself as I headed out to my room to get changed. I found a short black playsuit with small sleeves and pulled it on before I began the mammoth effort of blow drying my hair. It was another 45minutes of hair, make up and choosing the right shoes before I was ready to face the day. I had just laced up my second boot when there was a knock at my door.

Kelly poked her head in without waiting for a response from me. "You ready to go? We're gunna go and grab a Starbucks before the R&R Panel." She smiled, coming into the room dressed in a floor length red maxi dress.

"Yeah, let's go!" I stood, grabbing my cropped leather jacket from the day bed and my back pack before following her out. We walked arm in arm behind Oscar and Levi.

"How are you doing after last night?" She asked and I tried to hide the guilt from my face, thankful she didn't have a front on view of me.

"I'm fine." I replied, and she side eyed me. "Honestly, Kell. I'm fine. It's nothing."

She nodded. "As long as you're fine." She said, not at all believing me but she didn't push.

We made it to Starbucks, and got extra coffee for Alana and Lauren who had flown in from Florida finally and were having a bit of a sleepy start. We made it back to the hotel just in time and quickly snuck into the back of the R&R panel which was just as hilarious and entertaining as we thought it would be. We wandered around some of the stalls and then grabbed lunch in one of the hotel restaurants.

And then it was time for the Photo Op. Dear lord, give me strength.

We had our tickets and waited patiently for our row numbers to be called. There was a hum of excitement in the holding room, everyone wanting to get there 10 seconds with the boys. I on the other hand, felt like throwing up.

Kelly held my hand when our number was called out and we followed the line to the conference room where it was all going to happen. I felt a lump forming in my throat as we neared the doors. I watched as people came streaming out of the room, flustered and excited, some crying and overwhelmed.

I waited behind Oscar and Levi and felt my breath halt in my chest as we crossed the threshold. I watched Oscar crane his neck to see from his impressive height. "Oh, I can see them!" He said excitedly, gripping onto his boyfriend's arm.

I watched them leave the line and move towards the boys and I saw a look of recognition cross Jensen's face and then his eyes search the line, landing on me. His face broke into a soft smile and he raised his eyebrows at me.

I laughed shaking my head at him and pointed to Oscar who was talking a mile a minute in front of him. He laughed and turned to Oscar, being charming as always as I imagined my friend babbling at him. They took their photo and I ushered Kelly up in front of me. She took a deep breath, looking back at me before she walked determinedly and confidently towards the waiting men. I smiled at her, knowing how brave she was trying to be. I watched her pick her pose with the guys and get squished in one of their famous three-way hugs.

I gave my ticket to the waiting volunteer and walked out once Kelly had left.

"Well, look who we have here." Jensen grinned.

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