Vic's eyes widened and he was going to let out a sound of sorts but Jaime's hand was over his mouth, he was just too close for comfort.

Jaime pulled Vic in through the threshold and quickly closed and locked the door.

Vic was as quiet as a mouse, he waited in the middle of the cold room, arms wrapped around his body and his feet tapping randomly against the wood floor.

Jaime stood in front of the door, taking in the boy, pulling a nice set of skills from himself. He looked at what Vic had and what he could use against him.

He was wearing a rather baggy shirt and skinny jeans to show off just anything. A silver ring through his nose. He was wearing bright blue socks with pineapples on them and he was teetering side to side in his feet.
Jaime smirked, he was ready.
"Okay, Vic, listen."

Vic's ears perked and his eyes met with Jaime's, he listened with a straight face and nothing to give.
"You need to leave this house, not only now, but forever, you can't speak of us or else we'll have your ass in the chair in less than 24 hours. We can either do this my way or the hard way, pick one."

Vic smiled, letting his arms drop to his sides. He walked over to Jaime, due to some height difference, looking up at him, and placing a hand on the broader one's chest.

"What exactly is the hard way?"
Jaime smiled gripping the boy's wrist with a tight hold, but keeping it in its place. He looked down to Vic. The smile was slowly turning into a lopsided smirk and Vic conjured up ways to get up and out, the best way possible.

"Do I have to walk out of here with a limp? I bet that'd be a show, now wouldn't it, Mister?"
Jaime sighed, barely using any strength to turn the boy around and pushed until he stumbled.
Vic pouted, but listened as Jaime spoke,

"The hard way would most likely end up with you not being able to walk at all, sugar. Don't play that card."
Vic acted like he was in deep thought, staring up into space and his thumb and index finger stroking his chin,
"Oh, kinky."

Vic went over to the other side of the room, looking out of the window, seeing one of the faces, standing at the fence with a pitbull by her side and a cigarette in between her fingers.

Jaime just looked at Vic with a confused expression, he's never had this problem, and he doesn't like having this problem. The youger boy just kind of stood there, he wasn't phased. Vic didn't know what thig that Jaime could actually do.
His thinking was switched off when he heard the boy whine.

"I'm bored, come play with me?"
Jaime fished out a switchblade from his pocket, flipping it up in one swift motion and stalking over to Vic.
"Yeah, I'll play with ya', alright."
Vic looked at him with a wicked grin. Letting the man get closer and closer.
Jaime had Vic pushed against the wall, a blade to his cheek but Vic didn't look phased at all.
Because the funny thing is, he had a blade at his hip.

Vic drew the dagger from where it was hidden, almost cutting his hip bone from the sudden speed and angle.

The smaller of the two quickly pushed the other off, keeping Jaime in the position Vic was in before.
He kept the dagger at his chest, looking up with a sweet smile, speaking for himself,
"Then, the hard way it is."

Jaime flipped them, quickly to the point where Vic's chest was pushed up to the wall, Jaime was behind him and the knife was pressed up to Vic's stomach, right under his navel.

Jaime traced it to his rather sharp hip bone, contemplating if he should end the boy, let him walk out (it's too late for that.) Or put him in the chair.
"C'mon, Mister, let's make a deal."
It intrigued Jaime, to be completely honest, he wanted to see what this boy had to offer. But now was particularly not the time,

"I don't have a heart, better yet, I don't have a head. I run on fucking gasoline and bullets. You don't want to make a deal with me, peaches."
Vic giggled. All high pitched and cute. And Jaime could feel the smoke spewing from his ears.

Vic reached behind himself dragging the dagger, lightly down Jaime's jean clad thigh.
"You suck at playin',Mister, ya' know that?"

Jaime was stuck in a certain place of mind that he didn't know of. He didn't know what to do. For the first time.


Jaime drew back the blade from the boy's cheek, cutting him in the process. Before removing himself completely and walking out of the room without anything else to say.

Haha this is just an excuse to write hardcore fuenciado smut haha

~stay thirsty my friends~


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