Chapter 5

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Eiana found Pan standing on the beach, with his arms crossed over his chest. He seemed to be thinking about something serious.

"So serious" Eiana said and chuckled, smiling.

"You seem too happy yourself" Pan told her, looking at her, he smiled too.

"I am, you can't kill me anymore" Eiana said, laughing loudly.

"I had never seen you smile" Pan pointed out and Eiana put a poker face, "smile, you look less awful when you smile" Eiana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, changing her weight to one leg, "besides, who says I can't kill you?" He asked, getting closer to Eiana, threateningly.

"Why would you?" Eiana asked venomously. She walked a few paces closer to Pan, threateningly. This time, unlike Eiana, Pan took a step back.

"Fair point" Pan shrugged. He suddenly took Eiana by the waist and rose in the air.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Eiana yelled at Pan, clenching to him for dear life.

They were really high now, higher than the tallest tree in Neverland, which was over 300 ft. tall.

"Pan, I swear, if you let me fall, I'll come back as a ghost and kill you personally" Eiana threatened him, to which Pan laughed.

"I'd like to see that" Pan smirked and pushed Eiana away from him, making her fall.

"Pan!" Eiana yelled, tears in her eyes. This time she was going to die, but this time she didn't want to, "you won't kill me, not now!" Eiana yelled at him, she was no longer afraid, Cora had shown her not to be afraid to have power, and this time, she had to trust her.

Eiana took a deep breath and flicked her hands, a pink smoke engulfed her entire body, and made her disappear from her fall, once she appeared back, she was on the ground, with a cold stare in her face and her arms crossed over her chest, she was tapping her foot on the ground, looking irritated. Not long after, Pan came back down, he didn't seem disappointed nor relieved.

"Okay, you listen to be, asshole, I came here to ask you something, not to be thrown to my death by a grumpy teenager" Eiana yelled at Pan.

Pan smirked and got closer to Eiana, stroking one of her cheeks with his thumb. Eiana kept a steady breath and cold glare. Pan got close to her, their noses barely touching, lips brushing. Eiana heard her instincts to spit at him, but her brain told her not to, or he wouldn't agree to what she wanted to ask. Eiana did not inmute when Pan pressed his lips to her. When he pulled away, he laughed.

"You're good, Eiana. If you had been any other girl, you would have gotten for it and so, failed the test" Pan said, remembering the only other girl that almost made it as a Lost Girl, she wasn't half as strong and determined as Eiana, "now I can't kill you"

"I want to ask you a favour, Pan" Eiana told him, not bothered by what Pan had just said.

"Ask away, Lady Eiana" Pan said mockingly.

"It's Princess Eiana" she said with a straight face, "but anyways, I want to see my sons"

Pan snorted and started to laugh. Eiana huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you're not joking are you?" Pan asked, a little bewildered.

"No, I want to see them, I want to make sure they're safe and loved. Haven't you loved someone that much that you would even die if it meant they were safe?" Eiana asked him. Pan's eyes darkened.

"Yes, you could say so. Fine, I'll take you to see them, but with conditions" Pan said grimly.

"Fine, I'll take it, whatever it is" Eiana said quickly and Pan nodded.

Pan took Eiana by the waist and lifted the both of them in the air. The girl held to him tighter than the last time, she really didn't want to die.

"I'm really not into flying, y'know?" Eiana said casually and Pan laughed, "try not to enjoy my suffering too much"

"It'll be hard, but I'll try" Pan said with a smirk.

Nevertheless, he held the girl tighter and closer to him. She was strong and determined, he couldn't deny that

Pan felt Eiana's grip on him had loosened, he looked at her and saw she had fallen asleep. He laughed and rolled his eyes, changing the position she was in, so he carried him in a bridal style. It was an uneventful trip, it was quiet and steady, but Pan's mind was not. He went over and over again on why did she want so much to see her kids, but then again, he did suffer when he gave up on... him. It was the hardest yet best decision he had ever made.

Next thing Eiana knew was that they were not in Neverland anymore. She looked around, she was laying in the ground, at the shade of a willow tree. Pan was sitting next to her, playing his flute. It was a lovely melody, it reminded Eiana of the lullabies her mother sang to her.

"That's lovely, Pan" Eiana said and Pan startled.

"Don't sneak like that on me, Eiana" he said and she laughed.

"I'm just sitting here, Pansy Cakes" Eiana said and laughed at Pan's expression to the silly nickname.

"Don't call me that" Pan told her seriously.

"Whatever you say, Panda" Eiana answered just as serious as he was and then cracked laughing.

"You want to see them or not?" Pan said, rolling his eyes and standing up. He offered his hand to Eiana and she accepted it, standing up too.

Not far from the willow tree, was a small farm in which a woman, about forty years old, was picking something from the ground. Eiana grew nervous, she hesitated, wondering if she really should approach.

"Let's leave, Pan" Eiana blurted out.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Let's leave" she repeated, looking at him with teary eyes.

"Why? I thought you wanted to see them" he pointed out and she shook her head.

"I do, I want to see them so badly, but I am afraid..."

"Afraid? I didn't think you would be afraid of something" Pan mocked but then saw the tears in Eiana's eyes, "hey, no need to cry. Breathe and tell me what are you afraid of?" Pan's voice was strangely calm and understanding. It almost scared Eiana... almost.

"I'm scared that they are better off without me. I'm afraid that they have everything they need and they won't ever need me" Eiana said truthfully.

"Don't worry, Eiana. Besides, isn't that what you wanted?" Pan asked her, he made a fair point there.

"Yes, I guess you are right. Let's just wait until the woman and the man leave, I don't want to explain" Eiana told Peter and he nodded.

They stayed with the farm at a viewpoint but they were not seen from there. They were sitting in the shade of a tree.

"Will I stay this age forever?" Eiana suddenly asked Pan.

"Yes, why?" He asked.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just worried David and James will outgrow me... and they will eventually die" Eiana sighed and shook her head, not wanting to think about that.

"There's- there's one thing I could do. If they want to, of course. If they want, they can come to Neverland, live there with you, but they would have to make the choice before they turn nineteen, though" Pan told her.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Eiana asked him.

"Because I know what it is to love someone that much" he said sharply, making it clear he didn't want to talk about it.

"As much as I would want to, I cannot ask that of them. I want them to find love, have children of their own-" Eiana sighed, conflicted with her own feelings.

"Uh, I think they are gone" Pan commented, pointing where a cart have been.

"Holy! what if they took the boys with them?" Eiana exclaimed, just realising the fact they wouldn't leave the kids alone.

"We'll have to go and see" Pan said.

Eiana took Pan's hand and flicked her free hand, making both of their bodies be engulfed by the pink smoke.

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