Chapter 2

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Eiana woke up in a beach, she was confused at first, she had fallen asleep on her cell in Cora's home. The last thing she remembered was the Shadow departing with her children. At the memory, Eiana choked a sob and started to cry her heart out. Eiana cried and yelled in agony, she had given up two babies, not even a day old. Eiana heard a twig snap behind her, but she couldn't care less.

"Leave me alone, would you?" Eiana managed to say.

"Well, your yelling was enough to wake everyone on the island" a male voice said.

"Whatever, I don't care" Eiana said, pulling her knees to her chest and hiding her face between them.

"You are odd, boy" the voice said again.

"That is because I am a girl!" Eiana exclaimed. Really, how could someone mistake her for a boy?

"A girl? As in, not a boy?" The voice said and Eiana rolled her eyes.

"Yes, a girl!" Eiana yelled at him and turned around. The boy had dark skin and warm chocolate eyes.

"My name is Lionel. You can call me Leo" the boy said.

"I'm Eiana" Eiana said, turning around again, facing the ocean in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked.

"Oh, you know. Admiring the view, seeing as you don't let me suffer in peace" Eiana told him sarcastically.

"No, I mean, in Neverland" Leo specified.

"Where?" Eiana asked confused, still looking at the ocean.

"Neverland. This is where we are. Why are you here?" Leo asked her.

"Honestly?" Eiana asked, looking at Leo, he nodded, "no idea. I was on a cell and then I woke up here" Eiana said, shrugging.

A shadow passed over them, Leo flinched and moved closer to the shadow of the trees. He lowered his head as the Shadow that helped Eiana landed on the beach.

"Hello, old friend" Eiana said, smiling lightly at the shadow. The shadow bowed deeply and 'kissed' Eiana's hand, "please, tell me you took them somewhere safe" Eiana said and the Shadow nodded, putting his/its hand on Eiana's shoulder.

The Shadow guided her to the trees, where Leo was. He looked at Leo and pointed forward, to the centre of the forest. Leo nodded and took Eiana's forearm, dragging her through the forest, but in no straight path.

"Where are we going?" Eiana asked.

"Pan will like to meet you" Leo said and didn't say anything else in the.

Eiana thought of David and James. How far was she from her little angels? Who was the woman they would call 'mum'? Did they know that woman was not the same from the one that held them for the first time? Probably not. How would they look when they were older? Eiana hoped they wouldn't look like their father.

"Girl?" Eiana was shaken out of her thoughts.

"My name is Eiana" Eiana said. The boy in front of her had dirty blonde hair and pale blue eyes, scars running through his face.

"I'm Felix" he said, extending his arm. Eiana went to shake his hand.

Just after she took his hand, he pulled her and put her back against his chest, his arm around her neck and a knife pointing to her artery. She tried to break away and he pressed the blade to her neck, making her bleed a little. Then, he put the knife on her cheek and made a deep gash.

"Now, if you try to move again, you'll look like me more than you'd like to" Felix muttered to her ear and she nodded quickly.

Eiana's cheek felt like burning. It felt very much like the scar on her back when it was fresh-made. Obviously, the one in her cheek was much smaller than the one in her back, but it hurt just the same.

"Now, if you promise not to run, I'll let go off you" Felix said, with a kinder tone than before.

"I p-p-promise" Eiana said softly.

Felix slowly let go off Eiana and she did as she promised. She just relaxed her muscles and touched the wound on her cheek. She hissed and took her hand away from her face.

"It's okay" Felix said, putting a wet cloth on her cheek. At first, Eiana flinched, but the cool water brought a good sensation to her cheek.

"Thank you" Eiana said, smiling at him lightly.

"Don't mention it. Really, don't" Felix said, motioning Eiana to walk.

Felix guided Eiana through the forest, helping her avoid the roots and rocks in the path. Eiana told Felix about her life with Cora and Regina. She told him about Clarke. Felix was beyond furious when he heard about him.

"Why are you so angry? I mean, it's not like he hurt you" Eiana said. Felix swallowed hard and sighed.

"Clarke was my sister's great-great-grandchild" Felix said quietly. Eiana eyed him as if he had said the craziest thing in the world.

Felix explained Eiana that he had a sister before he arrived to Neverland. His sister was about twenty years older than him. She married at the age of seventeen and had a son, his son had a daughter, she had a daughter and a son and that son had a son, which was Clarke. It deeply confused Eiana how that man, aged forty six, could be Felix's great-great-grandnephew.

"Now I'm confused" Eiana said, looking at Felix, he smiled lightly and chuckled.

"Time runs different in Neverland. You never age, your body never changes, you don't get sick" Felix explained.

Eiana rolled her eyes and looked at her stomach, "so, you are telling me I'm having this post-pregnancy belly for eternity?" Eiana said, pointing at her stomach.

"I don't really know, I've never been pregnant or seen a pregnant girl" Felix chuckled and Eiana did too, "if you don't mind me asking, how old were you when you got pregnant?" Felix asked.

"Fifteen. They were born just yesterday" Eiana said, smiling sadly and trying not to cry at the thought of her boys.

"They?" Felix asked.

"Yes. James and David, twins, mind you" Eiana put a brave smile on her face and changed the topic, "what do you do here?"

"We play, mostly. Sometimes Pan takes some of us to the Enchanted Forest. He only takes you if he is certain that you are loyal to him" Felix told her and she nodded.

"How many people live here?" Eiana asked.

"Well, we are about fifteen Lost Boys, then there's Pan. And if you are accepted, then you too" Felix told her, knowing very well that Pan wouldn't let her stay just because.

Eiana and Felix arrived to a little clear in the forest, there was a circle delimitated with rocks where it was obvious that a fire took place at nights. There were also logs like seats and if you watched closely enough, you could see four houses in treetops. In each house habited four kids, well, in one there was only three, as there were only fifteen Lost Boys.

"Well, you must be the new one" a boy said, his back was facing Eiana and Felix, "the Shadow wants you here, I don't know why though. He's never been interested in any of the other boys I've brought-" the boy was saying, to be interrupted by Eiana.

"Perhaps he's got interest in me because I'm not a boy" Eiana said, Felix shot her a look and pressed his finger in the middle of his lips, for her to remain quiet.

"Perhaps, but to live here, you need to prove you belong here" the boy said, looking at the girl for the first time since she's been in Neverland.

The boy had to hold his breath, he had never seen someone so sad and lonely in his entire life, as he had seen Lost Boys come and go, every one sadder than the previous, but the lust in her eyes almost made him feel something.

"Who are you, anyways?" Eiana asked the mystery boy.

The boy had untidy sandy coloured hair and forest green eyes, his jawline was strong and his shoulders were board. Eiana almost dared to say he was handsome, but stopped herself. The only boys she would love were James and David.

"Did I forget to introduce myself?" He asked and before Eiana could answer, he said, "I'm Peter, Peter Pan"

Paradoxical Family (Once Upon a Time fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon