"No, but you could help yourself by removing your hand from his knee." He nodded down, pursing his lips.

"I'll be right back." I told Cedric. Reaching up, I gripped Stevie's ear and dragged him out of the great hall.

Gasps and whispers were heard all around, but there's no way my brother was that much of a big shot.

I knew he had a reputation as one of the scariest men on campus and was quite the ladies man, but I didn't care. He wasn't going to act like my boss. Especially when I pay his tabs.

I stopped and pushed him onto a bench that sat next to the great hall. "What the HELL is your problem?" 

"What?" He shouted, rubbing his ear. "I can't hear you!"

I rolled my eyes. He loved winding me up. CRACK! My hand connected with his other ear.

"Can you hear me now?" I mocked. He nodded and flipped me off. "Explain. Now."

My arms folded over my chest and I shifted my weight to my right leg, while tapping my left. 

"I don't want you with him," I scowled and he grinned. "I like Oliver. Sit with him. I'm sure he can learn to look past this trying time in your relationship."

That's it. "There is NO relationship between me and Wood! If you like him so much you go out with him!" 

People were sneaking their way out of the great hall to see what all the fuss was about and I just kept going.

"I most definitely WILL NOT be with him. He turned me PURPLE. PURPLE! Who does that?" My arms were flying around my head 

"Then he thinks he can just claim me as his when he ignores me for two bloody years! NO!"

I huffed and was ready to shove my way through the crowd to go to class but I was stopped by the flood of pink.

"If it makes you feel any better, I would NEVER allow myself to be yours. If I didn't want you back then, what makes you think I'd want you now?"

My jaw fell and eyes brimmed with tears. His features softened, "I-I didn't mean that.." He said.

I pushed passed him and quickly made my way down the hall. Tears were threatening to fall but I wouldn't allow it.

Being the first in the classroom, I took Cass's seat that was closest to the window. I wanted to be as far away from Oliver Wood as possible.

Never in all of our years together has he talked to me like that. Never.

My guys ran in shortly after and Miles automatically rushed to hug me. Now, I dont know about you, but when I'm about to cry and someone hugs me -- I bawl.

And so I did. Thank Merlin, Marcus and Graham kept guard of the door until I made myself stop and fixed the trail of mascara that slid down my cheeks

"I'm sitting here, Warrington." Miles stated, climbing down next to me. Two could sit to a bench comfortably, but I think we all know by now how my boys work.

Cassius squeezed himself onto the bench next to us and I smiled a bit. Cass wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled my head to him, kissing my temple.

"I'm sorry.." He said. I heard Miles scoff dramatically and he pulled me closer to him by my waist. 

"She's mine!" He screamed. My head was pushed down to his chest and held there. I love Miles, I swear.

Cassius pulled me by my ribs and they started a tug-of-war with my body! 

"I'm not a toy!" I squealed pushing my hands in both of their faces. "Stop trying to break me!"

Born to Make Mistakes, Not Fake Perfection ( Oliver Wood )Where stories live. Discover now