The two wolf people threw me into an arena while my hands and feet were still binded. I looked towards Zeek as he stood by an older man with wolf ears. "My people of Kegawa. Here, we have the last of the Takuma Clan. The last Takuma who will never bring harm to us again." Teh man announced.

I heard 'boos' and other cheers as they started throwing food and other crap at me. "But fear not, my people. For this is the day when the Kegawa Clan will finally be free from the Takuma Clan's clutches." The man continued.

"On this day, will be the death of the last Takuma member." I did not like the sound of that. A door opened and I instantly heard growling. A huge, black wolf with red eyes slowly stepped out of the doorway, growling as it approached me.

That thing was four times my size. There's no way I can fight that. As the crowd started cheering, I desperately tried to escape from the bindings. I reached into my weapon pouch to get a kunai knife, but my weapon pouch was gone.

Zeek must've taken it while I was out cold. The wolf walked closer and closer as I struggled more. I used all my strength and the bindings around my ankles snapped off. I did a shoulder get-up and ran from the huge wolf.

But I wasn't fast enough and the wolf used its paw to hit my back while scratching it my skin in the process. I slid across the ground on my arm, leaving a blood trail behind. "Get her! Kill her! Rip her limb from limb!" The crowd shouted.

I panted slightly as I felt blood run down my back from the wound. This isn't the time to lie around. I've got to get out of here. I got to my feet and made a run for the exit. Only problem is, when I started running, the wolf pounced at me and smashed its huge paws on my back, crushing me.

I coughed up blood and screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed even louder when the wolf bit down on my skin, ripping a chunk of it off. The wolf scratched and bit my skin as I screamed in intense pain and agony.

I hope someone outside the Kegawa Clan hears my cries. I need someone to hear my cries. I can't do this alone. I need help.

Naruto's POV

I've looked high and low for Reika and I still couldn't find her. It's like she disappeared. "Reika, where are you?" I murmured as I scratched my head. I decided to go to Kakashi-sensei for some help.

"I've looked everywhere for her and she's nowhere to be found." I said to Kakashi-sensei. "Maybe Reika is-"

Then, that's when we heard it. A high, female scream. So loud, I think the whole village heard it. "What was that?" Sakura asked. "That sounded like-"

"Reika!" I finished Sasuke's sentence. "She's in trouble! We have to save her!" I said. "Let's move." Kakashi-sensei said. The four of us headed out, heading to the source of Reika's scream.

Reika's POV

The black wolf finally got off me after it picked me up by its teeth and threw me to a wall. I was covered in cuts, bruises, and huge chunks of my skin were gone. I panted heavily as I helplessly crawled away from the wolf.

"Come on! Kill her already!" I heard someone yell. The elder raised his arm, signaling the wolf to finish me off.

This is it. The end of my rope. I'm done for. I closed my eyes and waited for the wolf to finish me off. "Get up, Reika." I opened my eyes slightly, spotting my brother a few feet away from me. Is this real or that I lost so much blood, I'm hallucinating?

Either way, I know that can't be Takeru. He's dead, after all. "Tak... eru." I whispered. "I didn't train you to become wolf food. Get up. Get up and fight." Takeru ordered.

"I... I can't." I whispered. "You can. Now, get up! Are you a Takuma or are you just some weak little girl!" Takeru snapped. "Get up! Fight for yourself! Never give up! Fight until you can't fight anymore! Get up! Fight!" Takeru urged.

I screamed in anger and pulled my hands away from each other, snapping the bindings off. I lunged at the black wolf, darting myself into its chest. I smashed through its heart, coming out of his back. The wolf fell to the ground with blood coming out of its mouth and chest.

I glared at the wolf people as they screamed in terror. Two guards ran at me with spears, so I killed both of them with my sharp claws, then dashed towards the wolf people. One by one, left and right, I killed them. I killed them all.

Smashing their heads into the ground, stabbing them in the chest, and breaking their limbs. I glared down at the last living Kegawa member; Zeek. "Time for a taste of your own medicine." I mimicked before punching him in the face.

When he fell to the ground, I did, too. I didn't have any energy left. I panted ad I glanced at Zeek. "Ha! And the Takuma Clan is supposed to be all tough." Zeek said as he took out a kunai knife. "Good riddance." He said. I closed my eyes and waited to be stabbed.

Instead, I heard Zeek grunt and the sounds of him struggling. "Sand Coffin!" I heard Zeek cry out once more until it was silent. With my eyes still closed, I weakly got to my feet, but I was swaying a little.

"Reika," I opened my eyes and saw Gaara standing there with his arms crossed over to his chest. "Gaa... ra..?" I whispered. I closed my eyes again and let my body fall to the ground. Only, I didn't fall to the ground. I felt myself land on something else.

"I've got you. Don't worry." I heard Gaara's voice. I opened my eyes a little and noticed I was laying against his chest. I closed my eyes once again, this time, not opening them for a while.

3rd Person's POV

As Squad 7 was approaching the source of Reika's scream, they found Gaara holding her bridal style. Reika was covered in blood, cuts, and bruises. With every movement Gaara made, blood dripped from Reika's wounds. Reika's ear twitched weakly as her shoulder twitched in pain.

"Naru... to..." A hoarse whispered escaped Reika's lips as she laid unconscious in Gaara's arms. "She's lost a lot of blood. She needs to get to a hospital quickly." Gaara informed. "What happened to her?" Sakura asked.

"There's no time for that! We need to get her back to the village! Now!" Naruto said. Gaara went with Squad 7 and took her to the Leaf Village, immediately taking her into the hospital.

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