c h r i s t m a s m o r n i n g

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laurens pov

i sit down on the comfy couch set in the living room of me, my boyfriend, and our daughters apartment. we were only twenty-three and our daughter is four years old. i'm not sure why sammy hasn't popped the big question after we've been together since we were sixteen.

but that doesn't matter, as long as i have him in my life its alright. i don't need to be his fiancé or wife, being his girlfriend is 100% great.

"here you go, ma'am." sammy says handing me my hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows in it.

i smile sweetly and thank him, i take the mug that had a snowman on it and took a small sip of the hot chocolate. it was perfectly warm. not too hot, not too cold.

sammy sits beside me on the couch and wraps his arm around my shoulder, he pulls me closer and i snuggle into his warm chest, taking in his wonderful sent.

"do you want to go wakeup dekota?" sammy whispers in my ear softly kissing my temple causing me to blush.

"its only six, we can wake her up at seven." i reply.

"alright, baby." sammy agrees.

he rests his cheek on top of my head, i love cuddling with sam, it makes me feel safe and warm. after what seemed like forever of cuddling- but was really ten minutes, we heard shouting from down the hall: "christmas! christmas! its christmas! mommy, daddy!"

me and sammy laugh in unison and get off the couch, i place my hot chocolate on the wooden coffee table placed in front of the couch. dekota runs into the living room with a big happy smile on her face, she rushes towards the christmas tree with a bunch of presents underneath it.

me and sam grab our christmas hats and put them on, dekota puts hers on as well and giggles at herself when she sees herself in the mirror. she sits crisscrossed on the floor in front of the glowing tree clapping her hands in excitement.

"i wanna open the big one first!" she exclaims and points to the biggest present under the tree.

sammy smiles at her and gets the present for her considering it was a heavy present. he placed the present in front of his daughter, the present was bigger than dekota which made me giggle.

dekota immediately begins to unwrap the giant box, a smile still placed upon her beautiful face. sam has his arm around my waist and my arms are hugging his torso, i felt his soft lips press against my head.

"oh my gosh!" dekota screams with excitement, i laugh at her reaction to the giant barbie doll shes been wanting forever.

dekota continues to open presents until there were no more under the tree, by now me and sam were cuddling on the couch half asleep and dekota is sleeping on the floor with her new gigantic, stuffed teddy bear.

"i cant wait to marry you and have a bigger family with you lauren, i love you." sammy whispers.

"i cant wait either, i love you too sammy." i reply with a slight smile on my face, my head buried in his chest so he couldn't see me blushing.


sammy wilk imagines (ft.lern jergi) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt