Chapter 5

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Nico led her straight to her cabin, passing through the crowd of people trying to get a glimpse of the new camper. Violet was having no trouble keeping up with him, her long legs helping keep pace. She was remembering more and more of her past as she walked around the camp, the fact that Nico had a cabin was a bit of a shock to her though. The last time she had visited there had only been thirteen.

   As her memories grew, she felt a headache beginning. Sighing quietly, Violet continued to observe the places around her; trying not to focus to much on her pounding skull.
   A few minutes later, and she was walking through the doorways of the black cabin, closing the heavy oak doors behind her. She walked into the middle of the circular space and turned slowly, observing the intricate details of the room. That's when she saw a coffin. She smiled and began to chuckle, trying to hide it behind her hand before giving up and just full out laughing. From the corner of her eyes she could see Nico blushing.
   "Stop laughing! I just- haven't gotten around to getting an actual bed yet." His blush deepened and she was able to choke back the remaining laughter.  Vi smirked and continued to look around. The ceiling was adorned with bones and gemstones.
   The door opened once more and two people walked in maneuvering a large queen sized bed. A burly girl, looking about seventeen followed behind them, carrying a stack of building materials under each arm, a brown and worn tool belt secured around her waist.
   Violet could see her muscles straining under her tan skin, wishing she had muscles like that. The woman set down the stacks of stuff and rolled up the sleeves of her plaid shirt. She walked over to Vi and held out a hand. "Name's Nyssa, welcome to camp."  They shook hands, "I'm Violet, and thanks." Nico led her out of the cabin as they all pulled on leather work gloves.
   They closed the cabin doors and he lead Violet over to a shed shaped building. He opened the door for her and flipped on the light. There were weapons strewn out everywhere, the only place without them seemed to bee the roof and some of the floor. She walked in wordlessly. Drawn to the back of the shed. Suddenly, the light began to flicker and fade. Then there was none- the room was left in almost complete darkness. Shadows crept in from under the walls, darkening the room even more.
   The light turned back on, the room brightened and left Vi temporarily blind. And there was a beautiful black box sitting on the ground, not two feet in front of her. She was immediately drawn to it. Dropping to her knees she examined it, undoing the black bow tied in silk ribbon and pulling off the lid. Inside there was an object shrouded by tissue paper. She carefully removed it and finally got a good look at what was inside. Two beautiful weapons, carved from darkness themselves. Two black sickles.
   Violet picked each up gingerly, the hilts seemed made to fit into her hands, smiling, she placed them aside, reaching back into the box for the small piece of paper. Flipping it over, she found a messily written note.

   Violet, I know I haven't filled the widely accepted role as a father, as I'm sure Chiron has explained why, but hopefully this gift from me to you might help remedy this. Just know, I loved your mother, Renee, and you. Both of you are on my mind every day. Don't die. -Love, Thanatos (your father).

   She placed the note in her pocket and grabbed hold of her weapons. Just then, a plot of black smoke appeared and another note fluttered down.

   PS- A drop of your blood on the blades gives them special powers. And they shrink. Press the obsidian buttons. Also; tell Nico his father sends his regards.

   Smiling once more, she stood, examining the blades for the magical buttons. Upon finding and pressing each, they shrunk into two bracelets, wrapping themselves around her wrists. The chains were just as beautiful as the dark blades themselves. The chains felt heavy, yet oddly light at the same time. She knew what they were, she knew why they were so cold. Violets new weapons were created from the souls of the damned.

Muttering a near silent thank you, she and Nico headed to the training arena to get a little training in place, giving the Hephaestus campers time to construct the bed. Activating her blades, she twirled them around, savoring in the way they sliced through the air, leaving a trail of cold in their wake.

Nico made the first move, lunging with his sword, implementing the roman tactic of stabbing. Violet dodged almost too easily and parried with her right sickle, twisting and locking the blade in place before taking a quick step forward and placing the blade against his neck. To her, the move was as natural as breathing, the kind of effortless that only occurs from years of training. Nico did something she wasn't anticipating- leaning backwards and back hand-springing out of the way. She was always jealous of the Italian boy's flexibility.

He swung his sword, reverting back to the natural Greek style. She parried each swipe, and eventually the sound of metal on metal drew a crowd. Percy and Annabeth were among them. "Percy! Join in!" Nico shouted when Violet nicked his right arm. Percy pulled a ballpoint pen out of his pocket, clicked the top and out sprung a bronze blade. Vi almost did a double take. But winning this fight was more important.
   She twisted around and managed to block Nico's stealthy attack. Percy aimed for her right side and she caught his blade an inch from her side. Violet was determined. But she was up against the two best fighters in camp.

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