Meeting the Heroes

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Hey, everybody!  So, how do you like the last chapter?  I actually feel good about it.  Anyways, please comment on the stories.  I want to see what someone has to say about them.

I do not own anything.  I suggest you look up the owners of the franchises yourselves.

Shirou's POV

"Son of a bitch!" I yelled, as the cloaked creature that held me jumped up onto a building.  It ran from rooftop to rooftop, dragging me and a woman who was also in its grasp along with it.

"Enough of this," I said, pissed off.  Tracing my favorite blades, Kanshou and Bakuya, I sliced the creature, which promptly caused it to drop me.

I landed on my feet, my armor and holy shroud materialized around me.  The creature, dripping blood and still holding the woman, gave a snarl.  We squared off on the rooftop, ready to duke it out, when a bright green light came from our right.

"Going somewhere, buddy?"

The green light was coming from a man, who levitated up from the side of the roof.  He was dressed in a green outfit with a strange symbol on his chest.  He wore white gloves, a green domino mask, and had brown hair.  The green light shone most brightly from his right hand.  This was the Green Lantern, a human who works for an alien corporation that basically assists planets that were in danger.  He was one of the superheroes of this world.

"Who the hell are you?" he demanded, looking at me.

With the Green Lantern and me distracted, the monster escaped, jumping off and escaping.  We turned back at the running monster and I swore.  Lantern, however, looked amused.

"All right," he said.  "You wanna dance?  You stay here by the way?"

The hero pointed his ring at me and a green light construct formed around me.  Then, he flew off after the creature.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

I sent back my blades and traced some gems into my hand.  Muttering an incantation, I slammed the blades into the wall of the box.  The box shuddered, and then shattered.  I chased the hero, who had surrounded the creature with a dragon construct.  The creature, in retaliation, dropped the woman, who Green Lantern was forced to concentrate on saving, letting the creature go.  The creature ran away, and I attacked it by tracing my bow and firing a large amount of arrows at it.  It did its best to dodge most of them, though it was pieced every now again.  I jumped and gave the monster a reinforced kick, but it was stronger than I thought.  It grabbed my leg and threw me in the air, and then I hit Green Lantern, who was probably trying to find the monster.  We smashed into a bright sign that stupidly said food.  The sign exploded and the monster jumped to us, the flames burning away its cloak to reveal a cybernetic monster.

"What the hell?" the Green Lantern yelled.  He then glared at the monster.  "High-tech armor, huh?"

The monster, still bleeding a bit, grabbed a groaning Lantern.  He punched gave him a few punch as Lantern was angrily taunting him.  The monster gave him a powerful punch, sending the hero flying to another rooftop.  I gave it another kick, this time reinforcing my strength even more.  The monster landed on the same roof as Lantern and as it tried to stand up, a black figure kicked it to another rooftop.

"What were you doing at the docks?" the figure demanded.  "I want answers."

The monster opened its mouth and tried to blast him with fire.  The figure dodged it, but an explosion sent him flying.  As the figure tried to get up, the monster punched him, sending him to the ground.  As it was about to deliver a devastating punch, a train that slammed into it.  The monster crashed into a wall, and was about to get up, but was hit with another volley of arrows.

Green Lantern shone a light on the other figure.  With Lantern's light, I was finally able to identify the black figure: Batman, another hero.

Lantern seemed surprised.  "Batman?  You're real?"

Batman gave an annoyed look and covered his eyes from the bright light.  "Turn it off," he said.

"I had him," Lantern said.

I scoffed.  "Clearly."

"He's right," Batman said.  "Now turn off the damn light before they see us."

"Before who sees us?" I asked.

Suddenly, a bright light came from the left.  Helicopters had appeared, with the police demanding our surrenders.

"Put your hands in the air!" one officer shouted.  "Put your hands in the air!"

Green Lantern complied and raised his hands.  "They don't like us much," he stated.

Batman gave a cold look.  "The world's afraid of us."

Lantern turned to Batman.  "You say that like its a good thing."

Batman remained emotionless.  "It's necessary."

It seems like this world is more like my own than I thought.  Heroes don't get any respect or credibility anywhere, do they?

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