Chapter Ten: Awakening Pt 2

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Heyyyyyy! Alright so I decided to make a second part of this chapter because I thought it would be a good idea to actually show how the Blood mood marking ritual marking or as I called it before, the naming ceremony goes, so yeah enjoy! 😊


The sun shone brightly in the sky, the breeze blew through my jet black hair as I ran. Not in fear but rather joy as my brother chased me around the grassy fields, it was a summer afternoon and Seal was playing with me while two of my older twin brothers, Aleksander and Alexander were helping Mother and Father prepare lunch. I was the youngest out of the four of us while Alek and Alex were the oldest, today was my fourteenth birthday and Father thought it would be a good idea for us to camp out in the forest for the weekend. I was overjoyed about the family outing and the fact we get to spend a couple of nights under the stars, we settled for a clearing in the forest and set up there, so far it's been so much fun fishing with my brothers and spending all this time with each other. It's not very often we get to spend this much time together as a family because of my twin brothers being soldiers of the royal army at home and our parents are always busy with their jobs as well. So the only person from our family I've really spent the most time with is usually with Seal when we're at home so this is a nice change from the usual routine and have a break from it.

"I'm gonna get you Dre!" Seal shouted laughing as he ran faster getting closer to catching me.

"Nope! I'm too fast for you to catch me! Haha!" I ran towards the campsite changing directions twisting and turning whenever Seal got close to grabbing me from behind, suddenly Seal pounced and wrapped his harms around me which made both of us fall and roll onto the ground laughing happily. Seal began tickling my sides making me burst in laughter also making my sides hurt from how hard I was laughing.

"Come on, say it! I won't stop until you say it." Seal taunted playfully and I quickly gave in when I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay! Okay! I submit, I submit!" He smiled and stopped tickling and got up, once I caught my breath I finally got onto my feet and looked up at a smirking Seal and I rolled my eyes pushing him playfully making him laugh.

"Seal! Dre! Come on, lunch is ready!" Aleksander called out to us, we looked at each other grinning as a silent challenge was said between us.

"Last one there gets to clean our room for a month!" I said excitedly before running off and Seal following close behind me, I made it to the main tent first where we have our meals and grinned widely knowing I won the challenge.

"Hey, you had a head start!"

"No, you were just too slow."

Seal pouted at me making me chuckle as he sat next to me on the ground Alex gave us our plates of a delicious meal of cooked trout that we caught yesterday with mashed potatoes and steamed carrots, despite Alex and Alek being skilled fighters they were also very skilled chiefs as well. Mother and Father also sat down with us smiling at us, we all chatted about how everyone had a surprise for me tomorrow which made me excited and begging what it could be.

"Patience, son you will have to wait until tomorrow, you will love it!" I pouted at Father but knowing that I wasn't going to get any more hints about what will happen tomorrow I sighed in defeat having to wait until then. As night came I wasn't able to sleep that night, mostly because of the my excitement about the surprise that I'll be getting tomorrow and also because of how loud Seal was snoring next to me in our four person tent my brothers and I chose to sleep in a tent altogether while Mother and Father slept in their own tent next to the main tent. I decided to silently crawl out of my sleeping bag and get out of the tent, I made sure that no one heard me or make any noise and tip toed silently to the dying campfire sitting down on one the logs and looked up at the starry night sky. The stars shone like lanterns as they twinkled in the night sky so beautiful and bright, I loved camping out because of the opportunity of getting to do a bit of star gazing always made me happy and stare at the wonderful sight above.

Book Two: Light Vs. DarkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat