Chapter Nine: Awakening

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Hello! I'm alive! Haha, okay so since it's the holidays right now for me I'm gonna try and use all of my free time to work on my books! I'm so happy to be free from exams for the year yay!! Now I only have one more year of high school! Whoooo!! Alrighty, I'll just leave you guys to it! ^.^ hope you guys like this lil chappie.

Also I realised I never gave an actual mask for Razor so here's a mask I could think of him wearing, heh. :p

Aidan's P.O.V

I woke up to Edmond sleeping next to me and smiled, I know it seems kinda crazy how I accepted being with Edmond right when I first met him, but when he told me that we were mates I knew it was true. I mean as soon as I saw him I already had an attraction towards him and he just told me the reason why I was feeling like that, it's been a few weeks since that day but the surprising thing is that Edmond was more dominant than I thought. Sigh but I also can't forget the reason why I'm here, my mind drifted to Nekora, which we are calling her now seeing as Arihiko is her biological brother, but even so she's still my sister as much as she's his. I lay on my stomach sighing again turning my head to look at the nightstand next to the bed, something caught my eye that was sticking out of the side pocket on my jacket I was about to reach for it but I suddenly felt an arm snake around my waist pulling me close to the body behind me and I smiled as I felt a soft kiss on the nape of my neck.

"Morning, Dan." I shivered in delight as Ed said my name with a husky voice.

"Good morning Ed, did you sleep well?" I turned my whole body to face him and I looked into his sleepy forest green eyes, his hair tussled and messy as some strands of hair were sticking out everywhere. He had a small sleepy smirk on his face before yawning tiredly then kissed my forehead.

"It was good, but are you okay? Even though that was our third time I hope I didn't hurt you too badly." I blushed red as he asked me feeling embarrassed and it didn't help as he gently rubbed the small of my back, when he noticed my embarrassment he chuckled and hugged me closer to his chest which I readily welcomed as we enjoyed each other's company. We were cuddling for about three minutes about to drift off to sleep again a knock was heard at the door, Edmond let go of me to get my pants on and to answer the door, as I opened the door Arihiko stood at the door way leaning against the door edge smiling at me I returned his smile in greeting.

"Morning, Aidan! I didn't interrupt anything did I?" I shook my head no as I let him continue on with why he was here. "Okay good, it's just that we need, Ed right now for a meeting, you can come along if you want."

I smiled at Arihiko's offer but I decided to not go because of a certain something catching my interest. Edmond stood by my side all dressed and ready with his hair still slightly messy and stayed for a brief moment to kiss my forehead again before leaving with Arihiko, Edmond was just over my height by two inches making him 5'9 while I'm at 5'7 sigh yeah I know not really the usual height of a twenty-two year old man. I closed the door while looking around the room knowing I have to clean up this mess even though there were maids here in the Castile who would take care of it I just thought it would help me with passing time a little quicker.

I checked the time to see it was around about midday when I was done cleaning the room of the clothes that were thrown everywhere and cleaned the bed as well, I laid on the spacious bed sighing. The white piece of paper that was in the pocket was now sitting on the nightstand after I took it out of my jacket not wanting to open it yet until I cleaned the bedroom.  I stared at the folded piece of paper before I finally reached over to read what was written in that piece of paper, I don't know how this got into my pocket but I should at least see why I have it. I unfolded the piece of paper and read the message inside but what was written had me staring wide-eyed and feeling shock as I read the message of the paper. "'If you're reading this that either means two things, one, you read this as soon as you felt this in your pocket which means you have an advantage or two you are reading this when the Blood moon has already pasted giving you a disadvantage......which means that you have a very thin chance of finding the one you held most dear, take care your Majesty.' -R"

Book Two: Light Vs. DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora