He took my hand, twining his fingers with mine.

"Hey, Katherine!" someone called over to us. I looked over to see one of my best friends, Fiona, hurrying towards us. She was wearing a blue shirt and a knee-length denim skirt, and her long blonde hair was tucked into a white hat so that only a single lock stuck out. I smiled at her. She was one of the youngest people at my school(along with her brother, Finn), but she was also one of the toughest. People knew not to mess with her.

Fiona looked in between me and Flame Prince, then down at our clasped hands, a knowing look on her face. She smiled. "Did I interrupt anything?"

"Uh - not yet, no," I replied. Flame Prince's temperature rose to the quintuple hundreds. Better stop embarrassing him before the house sets on fire. "Did you need something?" 

Fiona seemed to feel the heat, and got the idea. "Nothing, nothing, just saying hi. I'll see you tomorrow, Kath - study group, remember?" With that, she scurried away, hiding with another group of friends and eyeing the stage from there.

I led Flame Prince the opposite way, towards the exit, making sure that he didn't get too close to anything flammable. "You need to cool down," I explained, guiding him towards an old bench once we were outside. It was right next to a fountain, complete with statuetes of nude men and a memorial plaque on it's front.

We sat in silence for awhile, waiting for F.P's flames to die down. Finally, he broke the silence. "Does Fiona like Marshall?"

I almost choked on my own spit. "Wha-?"

"You don't see it?" F.P asked. I shook my head, still flabbergasted. "Fiona's been eyeing up Marshall since the first transferred here. She's really into him."

That explains why she was seemed so interested about me and Flame Prince, I thought. How many people know about what happened between me and Marshall?

"I feel bad for her," I whispered. "She doesn't know what an dick Marshall is."

Flame Prince nodded, biting his lip. "She'll figure it out."

I sighed, leaning my head against F.P's shoulder. His fire licked around my face, warming my cheeks. 

In the distance, I could hear Marshall singing. For once, the sound of his voice didn't bother me. I was more focused on the crackle of flames underneath my ear. It was oddly calming, even if, without my magic, it could burn me to a crisp.


[Marshall POV]

Frankly, the entire evening sucked.

I mean, sure, my performance with Marcie was bomb and had the crowd begging for more, but I couldn't help but feel stupid. I was stupid. Before I'd come to this stupid party, I'd spent at least half an hour trying to figure out what to say to Katherine that would make her see, well, me, but it hadn't worked out at all. The moment I saw her, my jerk switch immediately flipped on.

I could've done an encore, taken some suggestions from the crowd and all that, but I left it to Marceline. I felt like crap, and wanted to go home.

It was a short walk from the frat house to the tiny apartment I shared with Gumball, and took even less time if you could fly. That's what I did, nothing but a blur of color under the streetlights, with the refreshing night air rushing past my face.

I arrived home, dumping my bag near the door and carefully leaning my guitar against the wall. I opened my mouth to announce my arrival, but the words died in my throat the moment I heard... Noises.

Not just any noises. Moans. They were unmistakable. 

Gumball was getting laid.

That shouldn't have put me off the way it did. I should've been nothing but proud - I was, trust me. GB was shy and kind of awkward, and usually preferred burying his nose in books than even talking to another person. Still, there was something about this whole situation that just seemed wrong.

Suddenly, any thoughts of Katherine were forgotten, because I was hellbent on finding out what.

In a blink, I was invisible, quietly floating to my bedroom. Gumball's was close to mine, and the walls were thin; I could already hear all the nasty things he and whoever his partner was were saying to each other.

"O-oh - quit teasing, please? I need you."

There was a mumbled, inaudible response, followed by wet smacking sounds. Kissing? I hoped.

Someone was speaking again, but I couldn't make out what. I had to get closer.

Perched on my bed, I pressed my ear against the wall that separated me and Gumball's rooms. The voices were much clearer now. Silently, I thanked my heightened hearing.

I know, I know. I'm a creep.

"Oooh, Simon. Harder, faster- fuuuuuck, just like that-"

Simon? I swore I knew that name from somewhere. Who was-?

"God, you're irresistible - why didn't I ever - ah - do this sooner?"

If jaws could hit the floor, mine would've. 

Everything suddenly made so much sense! Simon. Simon Petrikov. My chemistry teacher.

Hold on, Gumball is doing my chemistry teacher?

Aw, gross.

I mean, it sort of made sense, once I thought about it later on. Professor Petrikov was super smart, and weirdly handsome for a guy his age. I could understand why Gumball liked him. At the time, though, all I could focus on was ew.

Now that the identity of GB's fuckbuddy had been discovered, my voyeuristic attitude had been totally killed off. I couldn't listen in on their little session any more - not that I wanted to, pfft. 

Grabbing my headphone, I turned on my music, setting the volume to it's very loudest option. I flopped down on my bed, letting one song after another fill my ears and numb my brain. It was just what I needed. For now, at least. 

Today had been full of too much shock and disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2016 ⏰

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