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Sometimes life isnt our best friend. You're born and shit just gets thrown your way.

My life was shit since the beginning. I was born a few week early because of my moms drug addiction. I was born a crack baby. My skin was always pale, mainly because my parents were extremely white.

The crack had managed affected my speech. I stuttered, it made me sound as if i was always paranoid. it wasnt as bad as it was when i first learned to speak. It was more of a once in a while thing.

One thing the doctors didnt fully understand was how my eyes had been very dull gray nearly white. They said it was something to do with drugs. It made me look blind but i really wasnt.

And my hair. It was a different story. Not only was my mom addicted to crack but this pill called "blue" i think. It had fucked with all my hair, my eyebrows were this black as black while my hair was like a brassy red. It didnt look natural at all.

My mother died when i was born because of the C-Section and also because they spent all their money on drug, so we werent able to afford anything. My dad, well, he left the day he found my mom was pregnant.

Therefore I was forced into a foster care and constantly traveling all over to find a permanent home. That was until this young couple adopted me. I am 17, as for them, their in their late 20s early 30s. I never understood why they chose me out of all the better looking and smarter kids in the foster kid.

Sadly, they lived across the globe. I was currently in a home in South Carolina, but would have to travel down to Australia.

Well australia here I come.

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