Chapter 4~~The Chamber Of Secrets

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It's still dark, very dark. The full moon shone brightly in the starry sky. The clock strikes midnight. I pick up my wand off my bedside table.

"Lumos," I whisper. I can't sleep, so I go down to the common room. It's too late for anyone to be awake, so I know I'm safe. On my way, I see the black book Ginny was talking about before we got to Hogwarts, at the Burrow. I pick it up, wondering why she was so scared. Mum always said I am too curious for my own good.

The fire crackles in the common room and I sit at a desk, flicking through the pages of the book. Every single one is black. Strange. I take a quill and some ink and write in it, for a joke, to scare Ginny.

Hello. Immediately, the parchment absorbs the ink. I turn over the page, and the next, and the next. I can't find the ink. Astonished, I carry on writing, knowing Ginny will never find it.

I'm Elizabeth. Who are you? Again, the words soak into the paper. Seconds later, more appear on the page.

Hello, Elizabeth. I am Thomas Marvolo Riddle, but you can just call me Tom. They say.

Hi, Tom. How old are you? I wrote.

I'm 16. How old are you? He replies.

I'm 11.Did you go to Hogwarts?


Do you know my friend, Ginny?

I believe I do. Do you mind helping her?

Sure, I like helping people. I've got to go to sleep now. I've got detention tomorrow. Or rather, today.

Of course. Would you tell me the time?

Yes, it is ten past midnight.

I close the book and walk upstairs to my dormitory. I creep past the others and put the book back.

"Did you read it?" Ginny says, startling me.

"No, I wrote in it. Tom seems very nice. He asked me to help you." I whisper, crawling into bed.

"Don't be fooled by him, he's not very nice at all. Don't help me you'll just get in trouble too. It's not too late for you." She sits up, facing me.

"But what about you? You're my best friend!" I retort. "I'm going to help you," I say, ending the conversation by laying down and sleeping.


"What, Elizabeth, does polyjuice potion do?" Snape asks me.

"Changes the appearance of the drinker," I reply smoothly. Ginny looks at me, bewildered. "What? I was bored on Tuesday." The bell rings, signalling the end of class. We all get up and grab our bags, shoving books, parchment, ink and quills in them.

"Homework is to research on polyjuice potion. There will be a quiz next week." Snape calls. There are groans heard from everyone in the class, including Slytherins. Potions with Snape isn't what they thought it'd be. Snape treats them the same as the Gryffindors, points added and taken every few minutes. His quizzes are usually tests you had no idea about and everyone hates Potions. Except me. Potions is my favourite class, it's so easy and fun. Next is Transfiguration. I hate History of Magic, though. Professor Binns could bore me to death with his monotonous voice!

Ginny and I race outside and across the courtyard, glad to be finally free of the small dingy classroom. The black lake shimmers in the sunlight and we sit next to it, sharing a big boulder. I see the diary in Ginny's bag and can't stop glancing at it when Ginny's not looking.

Elizabeth Lily Potter (A HP fan-fiction)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now