Chapter 1~~ Trip To Diagon Ally

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~~Elizabeth's POV~~

I sigh as I stuff the last pair of sock down the side of my trunk.

"ELLIE! Come on!" Harry, my brother yells. We're visiting his friend, Ron, and his sister, Ginny. I'm starting Hogwarts with her.

"I'M COMING!" I shout back. Dragging my trunk by my side and whip my red hair into a high ponytail. My hair and emereld green eyes make me a spitting image of my mother, Lily Potter. However, my brother mop and green eyes make him an almost-spitting image of my dad, James Potter. The olny thing he's missing is my dad's chocolate brown orbs.

"Elizabeth, have you got your toothbrush? Your hairbrush? Your robes, books, quills, ink-" Mum starts.

"Yes, Mum, I'll be fine. Why?" I cut in.

"Well, sweetie, your father and I, we can't make it."


"The Ministry beleive that they have sighted Vol- You-Know-Who in the mountains."

"You mean, after he tried to kill Harry last year?"

"Yes, and the Ministry want me and your dad to go to help them rid the world of..... You-Know-Who."

"O.K. Well, I've packed and ready to go!" I grab a fistful of floo powder. "Is Harry all ready there?" Mum nods. I shrug. "THE BURROW!"


"Hey! It's Ellie." I hear Fred- or is it George?- bellow. I stand up and dust myself off.

"Oh dearie! Look at you! You better go have a quick shower and get changed." Molly, Rons' mum, tells me. George and Fred carry my trunk upstairs to Ginnys' room and Is pick out a pair of deep blue hand-made robes. Not because we're poor, but becausee Mum loves making clothes! Coughing, I make my way to the bathroom. It's unlocked, so I just asume it's free.

"OI! GET OUT!" Ron screams. I squeeze my eyes shut and shut the door.

"ELLIE!" Ginny yells in my ear. Seriously, what is with everyone and shouting today?!

"Hey Ginny."

"What happened to you?"

"Floo powder!"

"Oh, well, today we're going to get our books from Diagon Ally!"

"How are we getting there?"

"FLOO POWDER!" Ginny jumps up and down in excitment. I know I'm the same age as her, but sometimes she can be a little immature.

"Calm down, Merlin's beard." I mutter.

"Languge." Fred whispers in my ear and I jump about a foot in the air.

"You scared me!"

"Yeah George, learn some manners." Ron walks out of the bathroom.

"He's not George, I am!" George appears next to hs twin.

"Sorry for walking in on you." I say.

"You walked in on Ron? In the shower? Ron's got a girlfriend! Ron's got a girlfriend!" Fred sings.

"Who? Who? Who?" Ginny asks.


"Merlin, you'd think you are trying to wake up Australia!" Charlie, Rons' oldest brother who works in Romania, says, covering his ears.

"CHARLIE!" Ginny runs to him and he picks her up. I slip unnoticed into the bathroom and turn the shower on. Putting my robes on the bathtub I get undressed. The hot water washes the grim from my hair and body. I climb out and turn the shower off. After changing I run my brush through my hair and leave.

Elizabeth Lily Potter (A HP fan-fiction)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now