Chapter 15~~Christmas Letters

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Dear the Weasleys,

Harry doesn't want to think about the past day or two, so I've been left to brave the letters. Voldemort came to our house last night, or rather, this morning. Mum woke me up, but didn't manage to get Harry and I out in time. Dad was brutally but bravely killed before my eyes, but Mum had already left to get Harry, so I haven't witnessed her death. Although Harry says that she, too, died bravely to protect my brother. I just think you should here it first-hand, instead of Rita Skeeter writing something ridiculousand unimaginably rude about my parents.

I'm crying, so you probably can't read this by the time it reaches you, although even if I wasn't, you wouldn't be able to due to the fact that I'm left handed and my hand will smudge the ink.  Remus Lupin, Dumbledore and Snape had managed to come and resucue us, but not before Voldemort tried to kill Harry, who survived, and left. We have most of our stuff, but Starry never made it out. She tried to scratch at Voldemort and was kicked into a wall by him.



Dear Myra

My parents are dead, Voldemort is gone, Rita Skeeter lies.



Dear Draca

They're dead. So is Voldemort. Don't believe anything Rita Skeeter says. I'll tell you more at school.



Dear Proffesors Dumbledore and Snape

Thank you for saving me and Harry. I'm sure my parents would have appreciated it.

Ellie and Harrry


Dear Uncle Mooney

As I'm sure you know, Mum and Dad are in Heaven (although Dad's probably gone to Hell considering the amount of times he scared Mum or worried her or pulled a cruel prank!) I don't think Harry wants to be left with the duty of sorting out their funeral, and neither do I, so could you help us a bit?

Thank you for bringing us to our very safe house, which seems nice enough.



I tie the letters to Hedwig.

"The Burrow, then Myra's house, then Malfoy Manor, then Hogwarts." I order, before thinking it through. I untie all letters but one, they'll have to go separetly. "The Burrow." I open the window and watch Hedwig fly off towards Ginny's house. I settle into the flow of writing my potions essay, because Snape will not be pleased if I don't hand it in.

"Hey, Elizabeth?" An unfamiliar voice sounds from my doorway.


"Um, I know this might be hard for you, because, you know, you parents just died and all, but I just want to say, I'm sorry." Dudley leaves and closes the door softly behind him.

"Okay?" I shrug and turn back to my essay.


"Dudley, you can call me Ellie. Most people do. Except Draco. He calls me-"

"He calls you what?" Harry asks from my doorway.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were Dudley." I reply, hiding myself in my hair.

Elizabeth Lily Potter (A HP fan-fiction)(Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz