Settling In

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Hi, guys and gals!  So this crossover fiction will be with the movie Justice League: War.  I loved the movie, and as you all can probably tell, the Fate series is one of my favorite things in the world.  With Shirou/Archer having that hero issue, and how in Justice League: War everyone was afraid of heroes, I think that this was long overdue.  This is going to be fun.

This chapter won't be anything that exciting.  This is basically the prologue for the story.

I do not own anything.  They belong to their respective owners.

Shirou's POV

I woke up to find myself in a large, grassy forest at night.  I sat up and remembered that I was in a new world, a dimension that will endanger my multiverse.  Looking around my surroundings, I saw city lights shining off to my right.  I morphed my holy shroud and armor into something more casual, a plain black shirt and trousers.  Not wanting to wait, I decided to use one of my new gifts, my father's time manipulation magecraft.

Time Alter, I thought, Square Excel.

Feeling my own time speed up, I took a step, and my muscles were ripped apart from the focused temporal manipulation.  Luckily, Avalon repaired my body and I've felt worse pain in my life.  I sped forward till I found a sign.  Gotham City.  Never heard of it.

I walked through the city till I found a pawn shop.  Using a Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon to summon some gold, which i took into my hand.  I walked in, and was greeted by a large man.  After showing him the gold and convincing him that I didn't steal it, the pawnbroker bought the gold for 1,000,000 American dollars.

At least Gilgamesh is good for something, I thought.

Walking to a nearby motel, I rented a room for the next few weeks.  I slept soundly for the first time in weeks.  In the morning, I went out and began researching any differences between this universe and my own at the library.  I spent the whole day there.  Most things in the past were the same, with the occasion difference (ex. a new country, one less country, a new war, one less war, etc).  It was when I got to the modern era that I was surprised.

"Seriously," I breathed, staring at the computer screen. 

Superheroes.  Actual superheroes.  There were people here that had capes and could fly and save people.  Heh, if only my old self had seen them.  He would have idolized them.  Though the rest of humanity sees them as monsters, similar to when I was a counter guardian.  I pity them.  They have no idea whats going to happen to them.

I stepped outside the library to get some fresh air.  This was a lot of information to take in.  Breathing in and out, I looked at the night sky, seeing the same stars as my world.  Seeing that this world wasn't all that different then my world, I closed my eyes.

And that's when something big and cloaked grabbed me, and flew off.

The Magus of the Justice League (A Justice League and Fate/Stay Night crossover)Where stories live. Discover now