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roommate wanted. two bed. one bath. must be okay with netflix marathons, building blanket forts, and cooking me bacon at three am. exp. w/ demon cats required.


When Will opens his eyes, he notices three things—one, his surroundings are completely unfamiliar, two, it's bright as hell outside which means his alarm failed to go off, and three, there's someone watching him. Quicker than you can can say creepy, Will scrambles out of the bed, pulling the blanket along with him (because, yeah, if he wants to sleep without the vexation of his boxers scratching across his junk, then you better believe he's going to), and cries out, in a very manly manner, "What the hell, man? Were you watching me sleep?"

Oliver just rolls his eyes, letting out an unattractive snort. "Okay, Bella, you caught me. I'm also two hundred years old, dating a sixteen year old girl, and oh yeah, I sparkle."


Will never thought he'd be the one to succumb to the standards of the real world and pull up his least favorite website ever,, just to find a measly apartment. It's not even that Craigslist is a bad website (you know, aside from the sex offenders, and the nudity, and the surprisingly abundance of spunk-covered furniture), it's just he thought he'd be rich and owning his own condo by now, not picking up coffee for the rich and condo-owners. Life sucks.

And to make matters worse, the one guy on Craigslist who doesn't have an alarming background record and is actually his age might not be all there. In fact, Will's pretty positive he's missing ninety-nine point nine percent of his brain. The point one percent being his inability to shut up. But when all else fails, and he finds himself replying to the ad, he realizes that he's in for more than he bargained for.

Pillow fights, blanket forts, strippers, and romance may ensue. Viewer discretion is advised.


[ o l i v e r w i l e y ]

twenty years old ; the comic relief ; nat wolff

❝Hey, could you tone down the stereotypical douchebag a little? I'm trying to concentrate.❞

[ w i l l k i n g ]

twenty-two years old ; the devil's advocate ; jeremy allen white

❝Could you shut up for five seconds? That's all I ask. Five seconds of peace and quiet so I can just pretend this isn't my life right now.❞

[ s c o u t k i n g ]

twenty-two years old ; the con artist ; shelley hennig

Please, what am I, some kind of amateur? I've gotten out of a ticket every single time I pulled over. It's easy really, just pretend you're in labor, and tell them if they don't let you go, they better know how to catch.❞

[ t h e o d o r e "t e d d y" c h u n g ]

twenty years old ; the skirt chaser ; osric chau

❝Dude, just my luck, some hot blonde gave me her number last night, but my phone has a virus or something, because whenever someone answers, it's just some recording of a kid laughing on repeat. Why do you think it's doing that?❞

[ o p h e l i a "o f i e" e l g o r t ]

twenty-one years old ; the fangirl ; karen gillan

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