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In 2014, new American boy band, Nightshade, released its debut album and became an overnight success, selling 45 million copies worldwide. Six months later, rival English boy band, Miles to Go, came into the spotlight and gave them a run for their money.

In 2016, lead singers Jackson James and Miles Flynn got into a fight onstage during a publicity tour and broke four and a half bones between them.

This is not their story.


Since Jackson James and Miles Flynn, better known as the lead singers of rival bands Nightshade and Miles to Go, were dropped from their label due to a public altercation, ratings for both of the boy bands have dropped to an all time low. The only way for the surviving members to have a future in the music industry, they'll have to get back on the charts quick.

The problem? Without their respective lead singers, they're not much of a band at all. Kicked off of their label, and out of their company-owned penthouses, the broken bands aren't sure how to do it. Enter Starz, a new and upcoming female-dominated label company who claim to know the secret to the two bands rising back to stardom. Spoiler alert: there's only one band.

Or, if Bring It On: In It to Win It was about boy bands instead of cheerleaders.


welcome to #boysnbands! trolls and spammers will automatically be blocked. keep the fan wars at a minimum, please.

jaxjames has joined the chatroom

jaxjames: holy fucking shit, did u guys see?????


levisgirl: what happened?

bandme: isn't it the pub concert between nightshade & miles 2 go tonight? what's going on?

levisgirl: idk what the fuck's happenin

levisgirl: tickets were sold out & my mom unhooked the wifi until i clean my room

levisgirl: basically i'm having the worst day ever

jaxjames: at the concert!!! Miles just punched the LIVING SHIT out of Jackson

henry_gal: holy fucking shit did what just happen ACTUALLY HAPPEN?

jaxjames: they were singin it was goin fine!!

bandme has exited the room

jaxjames: but then jackson said smth to ollie and laughed

jaxjames: he covered his mic so we couldn't hear but miles did and

henry_gal: miles said AND I QUOTE "you've got somethin to say, fucking #$@!, i'm right over here"

Your word has been reported as inappropriate. Please remember to keep the swearing to a minimum!

henry_gal: really that's the word they censor

levisgirl: !!!!!!!!!!

jaxjames: way to steal my thunder

henry_gal: sorry

nightshady has joined the chatroom

nightshady: YOOOOOO

levisgirl: wait what's happening right now!!!

jaxjames: Jackson's got miles on the floor and is just WAILING on him

nightshady: oh my fucking god u guys the apocalypse is nigh

nightshady: not that miles doesn't deserve it

nightshady: self-righteous prick

speedy: i was gonna mind my own business and stay out of it but

speedy: fuck you, nightshady

jaxjames: guys relaaax

henry_gal: shady, aren't u british???

nightshady: god bless murica

levisgirl: someone! please! tell me! what's happening!

jaxjames: the boys are trying to pull each other apart

jaxjames: OMG someone just elbowed benji in the face. POOR SWEET INNOCENT BENJI

levisgirl: i admit I'm a miles 2 go fan, but not benji poor guy

nightshady: blood is fucking gushing omg

nightshady: guys I might be sick

bandme has joined the room

mariepls has joined the room

bandme: fucking work wifi sucks ass


bandme: what'd i miss

levisgirl: apparently jackson and miles r fighting??? to the death??? there is blood???

bandme: WHAT

mariepls: you GUYS


levisgirl: jax finally got punched 4 being a dick

mariepls: remember what happened last time? last year? boston?

jaxjames: o fuck

henry_gal: wait, what happened lat year in boston I'm lost

henry_gal: last*

levisgirl: didn't their label say if they were caught fighting again they'd be put on suspension?

jaxjames: i'm pretty sure the words "dropped" and "label" were involved

bandme: oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck it's like inviting a greek tragedy to a boy band concert

bandme: they wouldn't actually drop them would they?

jaxjames: you know how much money those boys have made them?? they'd be stupid to

nightshady: guys, I hear SIRENS

levisgirl: someone link me to a working LIVE STREAM

mariepls: @levisgirl

levisgirl: thank u

speedy: fuck those are handcuffs guy

jaxjames: u can't even see miles' face it's just RED

jaxjames: they're putting jax on a stretcher omg

jaxjames: guys he's hopping I think he broke something

levisgirl: this can't be the end???

nightshady: WHAT

nightshady: THE

levisgirl: can it???

nightshady: FUCK

henry_gal: im fucking sobbing rn guys

henry_gal: it'll take a fucking miracle to get them out of this

jaxjames: merry christmas, guys

mariepls: happy fucking new year

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