"And to think I was nice enough to carry you here. I should of hit your head in the wall a few times."

"Wait. You carried me?"


"I doubt that."

I'm fed up at this point and yank the pillow out from under him. Doing what I promised I shoved it in his face. He slides down the bed. I straddle him to keep my grip.

Soon I'm flipped over the pillow gone and his hand pinning both of mine. Great. I should never have done that.

"I see you like to hold your word."

I just stare. Trying not to show the effect he has on me.

"You could get in so much trouble if my father found out about this."

Oh no. No no no. I keep my eyes from going wide and star poker faced at him.

"We wouldn't want that now would we."

No we would not. I keep my face neutral.

"We could strike a deal."

Ah no. It would be like selling my soul to Satan but worse. Much worse by the look on his face.

"I won't tell him about our little 'mishap'. But you will need to do something in return."

Don't speak. Don't speak.

"You'll have to do anything for me when I need it. Whatever it is. You can't say no. Basically you owe me one."

It couldn't be that bad could it. I mean come on a favor. One little favor. If I don't I'll be killed.

"Fine." I ground out.

He smirks. Good lord I'm going to pay for this.

"You know you are in a very vulnerable position right now."

"Yea and so are your balls." I can't help saying.

He laughs, "Oh my dear Quinn."

"Oh my dear Hale." I say imitating his voice.

"Say it again."

"Oh my dear..." I smile, "fuckface."

He growls his nails digging into my wrists. His other hand comes close to my face. I can't help but flinch waiting for impact. The look on his faces turns into shock and he scrambles off me to the other side of the room.

"Oh god. Oh god. I...I...I'm so sorry." He stutters out.

I sit up and crawl to the edge of the bed. He backs away. I gulp and slide of the bed. I walk towards him slowly like he's a deer.

"No don't. I didn't mean too. I said that I would never raise a hand to a woman. I almost hit you. I almost didn't stop myself in time."

"Shhh. It's okay. The thing is you stoped yourself. You didn't hit me."

"But I almost did."

Jealous Alpha?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz