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A/N: Probably the longest time I'll ever take to update! Sorry guys 😣😣😣

When Shawn gave Camilla the phone and promised her a flight home to her baby girl, she immediately felt better about coming here instead of staying home. So as soon as Hakeem finished up, they left together on the jet. Him promising to stay until Camille felt comfortable enough to do this on her own for awhile. He was already making plans to move them back but kept under wraps for the time being since his mother or his father didn't necessarily like her.

"Why can't you just stay here with us?", Camille's accent slipped a little as she placed her head on Hakeem's shoulder.

He looked down at her and he couldn't help but smile. She made him feel like he had a family again, a real family. His Dad had to women at war with one another, his brother had just come out to the world about his sexuality, and Andre wasn't just standing on the side waiting for a position he wasn't even sure he was going to get. Hakeem could see the things going on and he didn't want a title to break him and his brothers further apart.

"I have to take care of business for you and baby Star," Hakeem held promise in his words but Camille already knew the story.

His mom, Cookie, would find a way to pull his attention in another direction.


"Where's your brother and Yoko?", Cookie asked once the party died down and she noticed her baby boy was missing.

Shawn took a shrimp off the plate coming her way and shrugged. She wasn't good at lying but she was even worse at making up good excuses.

"Um, I think he- um, yeah. Well, I'm going to go."

Her failed attempt was even more embarrassing as Cookie gave her that 'I know you lying' look and stopped her with a hand to her arm. She didn't back down though. Shawn was very strong when it came to getting what she wanted and she wanted her mother to leave Hakeem in peace.

"If he's not with Camille, I don't know where he is..."

"That money grubbing bitch!", Cookie exclaimed and got a raised brow from her daughter. "Um, I mean.... They aren't back together, are they?"

Shawn nodded not thinking the truth could already hurt the situation. She just wanted to get home and cuddle up with her pillow or her man if she was lucky.

She had done her part and she was okay with keeping this secret for as long as Hakeem needed.

"I'm just going to drink some more liquor before I get a driver to drive me home. We can talk about this later. My feet are killing me," Shawn looked like she could go a couple more rounds but she wasn't feeling it.

"What about the song you and your brother were supposed to perform tonight?"

"I'm a nobody. No ones going to notice me leaving. It's Dad's party anyways."

"Hey!", Cookie grabbed Shawn by the arm as she turned to leave. She then pulled the girl close until they were toe to toe. Her eyes stared into the girl's hazel ones. "You are not a nobody. You are a Lyon. Never forget that."

Shawn couldn't forget it because it led her to her family. To Jamal, Hakeem, Andre, Lucious, Cookie, even baby Starr.

"I love you even though you think I hate you for what you did. I still love you and I love being a Lyon."

"That's good," Cookie could be hard as a rock sometimes but she showed the sweeter, softer side to her children and she loved them even when they felt no one did. "That's real too, baby."

Shawn squeezed Cookie's hand before taking off in the opposite direction.

Lucious walked over once Cookie was alone. He looked sneaky as a fox. His eyes following Cookie's who happened to be staring at Shawn grabbing a handful of shrimp and sipping a glass of champagne while ordering at the bar.

"She'll never make it out there with the wolves if you don't send her my way."

Cookie rolled her eyes.

Of course he'd think that.....

Sorry for the wait! Hopefully I'll give you guys enough chapters before the break really hits. I've just been super busy with school and stuff but I haven't forgotten you all! 😀😀😀

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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