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For Camilla, the money was a bonus to spending her time with such an incredible young man. She didn't see dollar signs when she saw Hakeem, but here his father was throwing everything she had done into her face. Yes, she was broke but she was just steps away from correcting that.

'You get out and leave my son the hell alone!' The guard at the door grabbed her by the arm but she shook him off. She wanted to have a small piece of dignity if any was available. 'I hope you burn in hell for this!'

Camilla could only cry as she walked out of the home and got into a cab. Her life with Hakeem was set back but she would find away to safely pull through this. Lucious wouldn't get away with sending her off like some unwanted child.


Months later, she still hadn't had the courage to call up Hakeem to explain the whole mess. She needed her space right now. It was bad enough that his father thought her a fake and was probably bad mouthing her existence.

'Well little girl, I guess it's just you and me for right now.' Camilla could feel the baby's swift movements stretching her skin as she sat back on the sofa.

It had been a happy surprise for the woman of 40 years. She had taken it as a great blessing for herself and Hakeem. Although he would not be there to share in the joys of parenthood.


Hakeem felt like he was missing something but the ache of knowing once again his mother had walked out on him was getting old. First Cookie, now Camilla. He wasn't that bad of a person or was he. The same people who had made promises broke them just as easily.

A sign was all he needed.

The fact that he and his father were out of sorts was starting to drag him down under even more. Andre seemed preoccupied, Jamal was busy loving the life as a openly gay man, and Ciara/Shawn had already started up a new tour. He was basically alone for the time being.

Maybe he'd wallow in his thoughts... Or not.

'Hello. This is Hakeem Lyon.' He panicked when he heard 'Emergency' 'Camilla' and 'Serious Blood Loss'. There was no time to fully comprehend those words as he set out to find out where she was. He took down the name of the hospital and began looking it up.

Streatham was located in South London, England.

The entire ocean between them was no problem. His father and his mighty team of bodyguards were. So he created a small disruption in the lobby before taking off in a cab that matched all the others in the city.

He was going to find out what was wrong with Camilla and get all the answers to why he had been left without a goodbye.

What he needed was understanding?

A preview of the newest story to be added to your Library and Reading Lists 'Hakeem's Star'. So this may not be updated because of my focus on I Lied, but I needed to show you a partial of what it will be like. If you ask me to update, then I will but I won't do any spoilers from the other stories. All of these Empire stories are inerconnected.

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