His Girl

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Lucious was tired of everyone turning to him when all he wanted to focus on was the illness depriving him of sitting still to spend his last days with his family. He had an empire to ensure lasted more than a year after he was gone. Anika was not worthy of taking his spot, so he needed to prep one of his boys.

'Where are my babies, Lucious?!' He was startled by Cookie questioning him.

She looked ready to punch him in the face. And right now he was dazed enough to let her. But in all reality, Cookie wasn't nearly as stupid as people seemed to perceive.

'I tried calling the boy. Did you call our daughter and see what's up? They need to be here for the release of their CD. Since Anika's not here at the moment, I need you to get them here.' Lucious was a man of two things business and family, but guess which one won every time.

Don't take it personal. He was raised with nothing, but his name. Which he changed to give himself something to call his own.


Across the ocean, Shawn was busy racking up in baby clothes, supplies, and everything miniature. She wanted to spoil this baby rotten. Of course, she was going to be named the favorite aunt. Only because she was the only aunt relevant to the situation.

'You should really lock your door. My niece sleeps here.' Shawn huffed out of breath as she showcased her bags and boxes with a wide grin.

Camilla groaned and Hakeem seemed to get hype. The stuff that Shawn bought was definitely for a Lyon. It was like Blue Ivy meets North West. All extravagant and over the top.

Shawn took pictures of herself with Camilla looking aggravated. Instagram. She took photos of her and her brother with the mini clothes. Instagram. Lastly she took several pictures of adorable baby Starr. Instagram.

Her phone was off the hook. She had about 12 voicemails, 6 IMs, and about 30 phone calls. It was getting pretty crucial.

'Hey Keem, I don't know bout you but I love my job. And the White Party is tonight, so we have to attend. Bring Camilla, if you have to.' Shawn was flustered as she tried to call her mom back and make her brother get on board to leaving.

He seemed torn. Firstly, he couldn't leave her with Starr, all alone. Secondly, how could he take a barely three day old baby to America? Lastly, he loved his job just as much as Shawn but maybe more.

Camilla laughed suddenly breaking then from their tasks.

'What's so funny?' Shawn gave her a eyebrow lift that screamed 'Bish Whet?' Camilla shook her head as she cleared her throat.

'My baby's not leaving this country, not until she's at least six months old. And Hakeem if you really want my support, I'll get someone to babysit.' Camilla agreed.

Shawn clapped like it was a brilliant idea before forcing her brother to say yes with a pinch to his cheek. He loved having his cheeks pinched by women for some reason. Crazy right?

'So how are we going to explain why you look like you swallowed a thick girl cuz honey you look fine as hell?!' Shawn exclaimed making Hakeem give her a hard look. She shrugged like it was no big deal. 'If I wasn't in love with Willow, then I'd go find someone else...cuz you and my brother have a lot of unfinished business.'

Shawn trailed off to correct herself before Hakeem smacked her mouth off her face. She was pretty mouthy now that they were more comfortable with each other. It took some time but they were thick as thieves.

'I have on baby weight from the birth, duh...Maybe we can tell them, but not as a gain to be given Empire. That needs to come from the heart,' Camilla looked at Hakeem as she spoke. He was the reason this was all possible.

Shawn nodded like that was a great plan.

'Okay, let's get everything set in motion. I wish we could take Baby Starr, she's too cute.' Shawn held the infant one last time with a loving kiss on the baby's fingers.


Time flew, literally.

Hakeem and Camilla barely made it to Hakeem's apartment to shower before the White Party started. Shawn had went in the other direction.

'Where have you been, Shawn? I have been worried about you for the past few days.' Willow, Shawn's new boyfriend, stood from his position near the bar.

She raised a hand in dismissal before heading to shower.

Willow came in while she was showering and pulled the curtain back. 'Excuse you, Boy!' Shawn shouted as she continued to let the water roam her body while Willow did the same.

'Maybe some make up...' He was cut off by Shawn pulling him into the shower.


After Hakeem and Camilla showed up to the party, he immediately strutted her around with a huge smile. This was the mother of his child, yet no one knew but him, Her, and Shawn. It felt good to know a secret as big as this.

'Hey, Keem. You brought back the chain and ball holding you down.' Cookie sneered at her son's older girlfriend.

'Ma, stop it. Camilla's important in ny life and if you ain't down with that then we done talking.' Hakeem got his point across as Cookie gaped at the statement out of his mouth. 'She's my girl, okay.'

They walked away with Camilla grinning in satisfaction.

'So, I'm your girl.'

Hakeem's StarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora