Fixing Old Wounds

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Camilla had been through enough and the joy of being a new mother was exhausting as it was. She got to take her daughter home where she had already set up a nursery. It seemed like the world became so different without a nurse to lend a hand or having someone watch the baby while she rested.

'I came by to see if you needed any help... Shawn told me that we weren't exactly done and I can say that she is right.' Hakeem looked tired like he hadn't slept but also determined to go through the motions.

Camilla let him in. She offered him anything he wanted and showed him to their infant daughter.

Starr was asleep in her crib with a mobile overhead making a melody of Twinkle, Twinkle. She was dressed in a pink onesie with a matching cap and gloves. It was an adorable image that Hakeem couldn't get enough of.

Not having his sister as emotional support was getting to him. How did he deal?

'You can hold her if you like. She usually likes the warmth so much that she won't wake up. Unless you have on an extreme amount of cologne, then don't.' Camilla spoke from her perch on the rocking chair near the only window in the room.

Hakeem stuffed his hands in his pockets as a way to stop the urge to reach out and touch his daughter. She was lovely and amazing, but he didn't want to jeopardize her in anyway.

My daughter?

How did this happen? Not saying that he didn't know the basics of getting a woman pregnant. But how did he and Camilla end up here? Had they not been cautious enough?

His phone buzzed in his pocket and he checked the caller ID. It was Lucious. His empire building father. The one that created this tear in his relationship.

He declined the call.

'Can we go somewhere private to talk? I wouldn't want to wake up Starr or nothing like that.' Hakeem seemed to get back in his groove. This was Camilla he was talking to. Someone who understood him on so many levels.

She nodded before standing to lead the way.

They entered a room towards the back of the house just off the hallways leading from the nursery. It was decorated with light, open colors such as champagne, bubblegum pink, and sky blue. This featured an entertainment center with a wide screen television, a bookshelf lined the wall adjacent to the window, and a large L shaped couch was tucked into the only other corner available.

'You wanted to talk...' Camilla's eyes were curious like when she walked into Lucious's office trying to fight for Hakeem.

But he didn't return the favor. Would he do it now?

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