God Made You Beautiful

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The baby had been delivered at 12:08 am on May 3rd, 2015. She was 5 lbs. 6 oz. and her hair was brown, her eyes were a light gray, and she had the cutest set of dimples ever. Her name is Starlet Marie Lyon.

It was Camilla's dilemma to give her child her father's last name or her own. She chose to at least give her something that belonged to the other contributor to her existence. Even if it was something so small as a last name.

Camilla held tight to her little bundle of joy as she pointed out every similarity she and the child shared. Where Camilla was cocoa complexioned, Starlet was a creamy latte color. She could feel no hatred towards Hakeem for he had helped give her the most precious give possible.

'Starr, you are beauty and in this you must demand them to look past that to give you the respect you truly deserve. Don't become another pretty, mindless, and naïve girl.' The words were wise, but Starr's response was a soft gurgling noise.

Her mother smiled softly before laying the child across her chest.


Hakeem had never been in a place like this so he had invited his sister, Shawn, to come with him. She had genuinely dropped everything for a while to put her attention on him. It was something he didn't believe that Jamal or Andre would willingly do.

'So, we are looking for that chick that Lucious supposedly gave money to run away.' Shawn said as she let her heels click clack against the hospital floor.

She walked over to a desk when Hakeem seemed nervous to continue.

The nurse gave her a pretty smile before handing Shawn a pen and log. Hakeem looked at the log and frowned while Shawn hit him in the stomach with her elbow. She pointed to the clock before doing the sign in.

'May I see Camilla Parks? She added me as an emergency contact.' Hakeem turned on his charm as he knew this would surely speed up the process.

Minutes later, he was being directed to Camilla's room which was in the Maternity Ward. Shawn got excited. She was going to be an aunt to either a boy or girl or even both. Hakeem had yet to put two and two together.


Camilla smiled as she watched Starr sleep with her tiny fists balled up. She was amazing. It was hard to believe that she has just entered this world.

'Come in.' She called out to whoever was knocking.

The door opened to reveal...

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