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No longer will the past hold me down. Like the buds sprouting out of the ground, the world is mine to explore and find my own roots in.

She freed herself of me so quickly; I took more time, but I think I should do the same. I should allow myself to be free of her. Constantly wondering what went wrong, or what I could have said to change the outcome won't change a thing. She left. We're done. I'm thinking I just need to accept it and move on.

I never wanted to be free of her, but she has left me with no choice. If you hold on to the past, you might just end up staying there.

I can't tell you why she did what she did, and I definitely can't tell you where it all went wrong. Whatever the answer, she is still gone though, and it's time that I fall free, out of her once loving arms. There is no point in dragging out what is already done.

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