Chapter 1: That Smile

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*Mish's POV*

A forgotten place...

The forgotten past...

And the forgotten promise...

Ever since my 5th birthday, I always have that same dream.

A dream where I made a promise with someone but the problem is...

I can't remember the face of that someone nor the promise we made, but it still lingers inside my memories as if a broken record.

Many might think I'm crazy, but I know it's real. That he's real.

I just woke up from that dream, the very same dream. Remembering my dream, it was so vague I can't even figure out if it was a girl or a boy.

But I could always hear it's voice, it would always say my name in my dreams.

But before it was promising something in my dreams, I would always wake up.

"Mish... Mish .... wake up" as I opened my eyes I saw that I was sitting on a grassy meadow,

And I was leaning on a tree when an unknown hand reached out to me.

It's weird, but I feel as if I've known whose hand's it belongs to, so I reached for it.

Then the voice said "Hey, let's promise" what promise?,

"That someday .....",
tell me ! Someday what?

I would always wake up after that and forget that dream, I don't know why.

I would always tend to forget things about my dreams but at some part, I would remember.

Thinking about that dream, it always makes me so curious.

What IS the thing that the voice meant, about what promise?.

My curiosity became a passion, a passion to get out of this place and find the mystery behind my dreams.

The more I think about it, the more I excert myself in training.

What training, you ask?. Well as weird as this story's gonna get, yes there are dumbells and stuff for training in my cell.

My cell is big enough for a 15km run and do different types of run, side jogg, cross jogg and etc..

I would always yearn to do stuff, not normal for a seven years old, well because of boredom and with all the weird things that had happened in here, I need to be strong.

But except for training, I also loved reading. They would give me a new book every week,

all of the stories makes me more curious of the outside world.

But some of the words are hard for me to understand, things about a boy and a girl, peace and love.

What does it feel to be love and cared for, I wonder.

I liked all the things about super naturals and action stuff with a dash of horror.

Weird yes, but those are the things that caught my interest.

Reading books, I learned that life really wasn't easy in the real world but it makes me wanna know more about it.

A normal seven year old shouldn't be in this place, shouldn't be disected, shouldn't be treated as an animal but to be treated with love care.

Where are my parents, do I even have one?

I'm kinda in a very unusual place for a kid. A room without any window BUT with a very wide range, weird.....

The Things That I Want To Remember (HxH Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz