Christmas Shopping.

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You awaken to an annoying pain in your knee. Slowly drifting back to sleep, the pain intensifies, waking you up completely. Sitting up, ready to kill whatever it was that was injuring you, the aching in your neck and back making you even more irritable. Honestly, fuck Rosinante's sofa! Your sights soon setting on a sleeping Law. The boy fidgeting around in his slumber, his breathing heavier than usual and his legs unintentionally kicking at yours. 

Oh. We must have both passed out down here last night. It's nice of Rosinante to wake us. 

You crawl closer to the child, carefully cradling him in your arms. You instantly notice his tensed body starting to relax at the action as his breathing begins to even out. "It's okay, Law~" You hum quietly in the little boy's ear, giving him a tight cuddle to try and ease his PTSD. 

Poor little thing...

"How did you do that?" A sudden voice startling you, your head whipping around to find Rosinante sat at the window with a cigarette in his mouth, a calm smile on his face. "He woke me up earlier by squirming, I didn't know there was a remedy to it." Rosi presses the cigarette against the windowsill, putting out the spark before flicking it outside.

You scoot over a little, giving him some room to sit down beside you, your thumb instinctively rubbing the little boy's cheek while he sleeps. "I only found out this stops him from fidgeting yesterday, it seems to soothe him a bit." You smile, your gaze being pulled in by Rosinante's amber eyes. You had always found the man's eyes beautiful to look at, but right now, in the light of dawn, they're just as gorgeous as ever.

"You think we should get him a teddy bear or something for Christmas then?" Rosinante asks cautiously, placing a red beanie on his head, there was even heart shapes hanging from the hat. Doflamingo had bought the headgear for him on his birthday. 

It honestly shocked you a little. Doflamingo is a selfish asshole who wouldn't think twice before kicking a man when he's down. But he's always had a soft spot for the people he calls family. And you use the term, 'call family' very boldly. He hated his father and had no tears to shed over the man's death. But with his mother, before she passed away, and Rosinante are a different story. He's quite caring toward Rosinante when he wants to be. 

A loud growl catches the attention of both you and Rosi, your eyes casting back to Law, another growl following quickly after as the boy slept. "His stomach is rumbling." You giggle quietly, placing your hand on the boy's bubbling tummy. "What food does he like?"

"Doffy said anything but bread." Rosinante chuckles, climbing to his feet and making his way into the kitchen. "I'll make him some cereal for now, he can write a list of things he likes later." You watch the blonde leave the room, not long after, a loud thud followed by a load of clutter catches your ears, waking Law up once again.

For crying out loud, Rosi.

Law slowly sits up in your lap, wearing a slightly confused expression as his groggy eyes scan the room. "Morning, Law~" You greet the child cheerfully, his dark orbs flickering up to you before his slightly lost expression is replaced with a ghost of a smile, his hands coming up to rub his eyes, a yawn leaving his lips. "Rosinante's making you some cereal~"  

"Is he okay in there?"

"I'm fine~!" Rosinante's voice chimes from the kitchen, some more cluttering following his statement. "Just dropping these stupid spoons~!" You could tell from the forced hum in his tone, Rosi was beginning to lose his patience with the cutlery, a snicker leaving your lips at the image.

"You really do act like Doflamingo..." The boy bluntly states, his observant eyes watching as you chuckle. Completely shattering your laughter in the process. "I'm almost convinced you're related to him but he's said some pervy things about you so I doubt you're his sister or anything." 


"What did that creepy bastard say about me?" You darkly murmur under your breath, your eyes essentially feeling like they're on fire as they gaze down at the boy in your lap. His eyebrows raising slightly as sweat pours from his forehead, a pale blush spreading across his cheeks. 

"...Gross stuff." The boy spits, folding his arms over his chest stubbornly as he turns his attention toward the window. "I'm not going into detail about it. It was gross." 

"Tell me, you li--"

"Guys~!" Rosinante hums merrily as he re-enters the room, handing the cereal to Law. "We should go Christmas shopping today! That way, Law can pick out what presents he wants himself, right?" The little boy's full attention on the blonde as he nods his head, beginning to eat his coco pops silently.

I hate your timing right now, Rosinante.

"I suppose that'll be the best way to do things." You drop the subject for now, a slight smile on your face as you watch the boy in your lap eat. His eating habits were a little strange, but sweet, in a way. He seemed like he wasn't too sure how to hold a spoon and when he went to eat the cereal off of it, he'd end up managing to knock half of it off the cutlery and back in the milk. "It'll be fun, right~?" 

Law looks up at you with his eyes narrowed, clearly suspicious about the sudden change of attitude. Offering a small shrug as he continues to eat his breakfast, managing to spread chocolate from the cereal around his mouth in the process.  

"You're having a bath before you go anywhere though." You giggle at the boy's messy face, causing him to pout as he wipes his mouth with his sleeve.


"Can you bath by yourself?" Rosinante asks, earning a stern glare from the young boy as he flicks some cereal from his spoon, landing it directly into Rosi's face. 

"You're not bathing with me!" The boy grumbles, his glare shooting up to you instead. "Just don't fill the bath too high and I can wash myself! I don't need people helping me with the most basic of things!"

Perhaps Rosinante should have just bathed him without asking if he needed help. This kid clearly hates feeling mocked. 

"Doffy said you can't swim, Law~" Rosinante chimes, picking the boy up from your lap, making him drop his cereal all over the floor in the process. "Come on, we'll bath together like father and son~!"

"No!" The boy roars, being completely ignored as Rosinante carries him up the stairs. You couldn't help but chuckle at the scene, that boy was really a stubborn little shit. Your humor completely disappearing when you see the mess left on the floor from the dropped cereal. 

Great. Suppose I'll be the one to clean this mess up then, shall I?!

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