See Through Another's Heart.

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"You got it wrong, kiddo." You mumble bluntly, Law instantly falling silent as he suspiciously eyeballs you. "Firstly, I'm not Rosinante's girlfriend. Secondly, he adopted you out of his own free will." You watch as Law's dark eyes flicker back to the TV, the boy bringing his knees up to his chest and resting his chin on them. 

"Why did he take me in?" The boy asks with a cold tone, a slight smirk spreading across his lips as he witnesses a woman getting beheaded in the horror movie, causing you to grimace. 

He's an odd ball...

"I wouldn't know for sure. But from what I've gathered, he seems to like you." You couldn't help but giggle as the sadistic smirk flushes from the boy's face, instantly being replaced with a slight look of shock. "He's genuinely getting you an Advent Calendar. So, I hope you like chocolate." You hum merrily, the little boy briefly smiling before he forces the frown back to his face.

"He's a weirdo..." The boy mumbles, drawing a chuckle from your lips as he pouts. Your hand instinctively reaching out and giving him a gentle pat on the head. You notice his body jolt at the contact, obviously not being used to such affections. 

I'm onto you, little one. You're just scared that you'll get attached then he'll leave you, huh?

"He's a strange man, always has been. But his heart's in the right place~" Your face scrunching up as you speak, courtesy of the horror movie. A poor, unsuspecting police officer getting brutally murdered when trying to investigate the house he was called to. "Do you always watch things like this?"

"Basically," The boy murmurs, his hands coming up to his face as he rubs his tired eyes. "I prefer horror and action movies, as long as they're not too cliche." his eyes shift toward your form, you could easily see he was struggling to keep them open as he gazes up at you. "Why? What do you prefer? Romance?" the bitter tone in his voice didn't go unmissed as he essentially spat the sentence. 

Take it this kid isn't one for the romantic shit? That's one thing off the Christmas list then.

"I like comedies." You offer the boy a half-smile as he nods his head, his small hand gesturing to the DVD player.

"Then put one on. This movie's getting boring anyway, the people are a bunch of morons."  With a giggle you take him up on his offer and scoot over to the DVD player, pressing eject and waiting for the disk to pop out so you could switch them. "The insides of a human body doesn't even look like that. My dad was a doctor...he'd tell y-you..." 

You notice a slight dip in his voice as he mentions his father before the young man falls silent. "What would you do if you were in a horror movie?" You ask the boy in attempts to distract his mind from his deceased father, Law looking up at you with thoughtful eyes before he speaks again.

"I would fight, or I would run. These idiots always hide. Hiding briefly, readying yourself for a sneak attack, I understand. But hiding to try and avoid the killer is stupid." The boy watches as you pick up a comedy called Liar Liar, placing the disc in the tray before pressing the inject button. 

"Did Doflamingo really let you watch horror movies in the orphanage?" You ask with concern lacing your voice as you peak over your shoulder at the boy. The little guy nodding his head casually. 

"That weirdo let us do whatever we wanted. He doesn't really like kids, you know? He just opened the orphanage for profit." Law informs you simply, the boy scooting over to give you more room as you sat down beside him on the couch. "He's turning it into a brothel once he's gotten rid of all the kids. He was mad that everyone kept bringing me back so I guess it's no surprise he dumped me on his stupid brother." 

A brothel? Did Rosinante know about this? He never mentioned it. 

"Doflamingo's...always been a bit of an asshole. But Rosinante wouldn't take you in if he didn't want to." Your eyebrows furrow as a thought comes to mind, your eyes casting over to the young boy beside you. "Hey, why do you call Rosinante by Cora-san?" 

"Because that's what Doflamingo called him. Well...Corazon. Maybe because he wears a lot of heart clothing? But I prefer Cora-san." So the boy has some respect, he just doesn't like to show it. Law plainly stares up at the TV, the movie now starting. "What's this about?"

"Huh? Liar Liar?" You almost couldn't believe that he hadn't heard of it but then, he was in Doflamingo's orphanage, you highly doubt there would be much comedies there. Doflamingo has always had a rather...dark sense of humor. "'s about a guy that can't tell a lie for a whole 24 hours because of a wish his son made for his birthday. And he's a lawyer so as you'd imagine, being completely honest is something that screws him over in court."

"It sounds weird...people class this stuff as funny?"

"Yeah, the main guy is played by a very good actor so the movie's just hilarious. If it was any lesser of an actor playing him, I doubt it would be half as funny." Law nods at your explanation, the boy watching the movie quietly with you.

Throughout one scene, Law actually makes some noise. Although, it's just an irritated groan. "Why doesn't he just stitch his mouth shut or something?" he grumbles, his eyes continuously dropping shut before forcing themselves open again.

He looks tired.

"I imagine that will only result with him ripping the stitches open to scream the truth at people." You answer with a clear cringe on your face, the imagine playing out in your head. You hear a subtle snicker from the kid before his body limply falls against your arm.

Looking down at Law, you see that he had passed out, falling against you in the process. You could feel his body twitching a little as he slept, your mind thinking back to what Rosinante told you earlier, about the boy having trouble sleeping due to post-traumatic stress. 

So that was why he was trying to stay awake? Bless him...

You carefully wrap your arm around the child, pulling him into a gentle cuddle while you watch the movie, waiting for Rosinante to come home. The boy's body seemingly calming down from your hold, a ghost of a smile on his face.

He's actually pretty cute when he's not being a hateful little shit.

Although, it only lasted for a few more minutes before the front door bursts open, scaring the poor boy awake. Your body also jolting at the sudden bang. 


"[F/N]~! LAW~! LOOK WHAT I GOT~!!!" Rosinante's voice echoes throughout the house, causing both you and Law to frown as the male stumbles into the room, holding a lot of shopping. Somehow managing to trip over his own feet and fall flat on his face in the process. 

"Idiot..." You and the young male both mumble as you watch the scene unfold before you. 

Look What I Got! {Corazon x Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora