The Christmas Spirit.

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"I got you a Christmas stocking and they actually sewed your name into it, Law~!" Rosinante chimes, sitting up from the floor with his long legs crossed, the man beginning to shuffle his hand around inside the shopping bags. "It's here somewhere, gimme a second~"

A giggle leaves your lips as Rosinante pulls out a jack-in-the-box, the joker-looking plushie jumping out and laughing loudly, making the blonde scream before he launches it across the room. "N-Not that thing!" His hand taking a final dip into the bag, a smile spreads across Rosinante's face as he pulls out a red stocking with a white, snowy-patterned rim. And sewn to the rim, the name 'Law' in bold, red letters. The young boy's face filling with surprise as he reaches for it.

He looks so stunned. I bet he hasn't seen one of those with his name on it in a long time...

Looking up at the blonde with a warm smile on your face, you find him staring right back at you, signalling for you to go into the kitchen with him. "Pick a place where you wanna hang the stocking, Law." You hum, giving the boy a playful pat on the head as you pass him. "I'll help you hang it up in a minute~" Law's eyes gazing up at you as he slowly nods his head, his face still frozen in surprise.

Upon entering the kitchen, you hear Rosinante close the door before a cheerful chuckle reaches your ears. "You like him~!" The male essentially sings, a bright, goofy smile spreading across his face as he opens a kitchen cupboard, taking out some drawing pins. 

"He's a cute kid deep down..." You begrudgingly admit, holding out your hand as Rosinante drops the drawing pins into your palm. "I couldn't really find out much about what he'd want for Christmas though. He seems to like action movies and gore if that helps?" 

Rosinante offers a slow nod before he pulls a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. "I gathered he liked gore. Action is new information though, thanks~" The blonde smiles as he slips a cigarette inbetween his lips, taking out a lighter and igniting the end of the cig, managing to singe some of his hair in the process. 

Great job, Rosi...

You start to head for the door, ready to help Law put up his stocking when you remember something that the young boy had told you. "By the way," You start, your orbs drifting back to Rosinante, the blonde's eyes fixated on you. "Did you know that your brother was planning to turn the orphanage into a brothel?" You tried so hard to contain the disgust in your voice but to no avail, you're pretty sure you sounded as livid as you felt.

"He may have told me a few weeks ago..." You could see Rosinante's amber eyes avoiding your gaze as he nervously shifts in his spot. "It's not the reason I adopted the kid, if that's what you're thinking." Before you even got to utter another word, the blonde continues. "He's just been through so much, the last thing he needs is to feel unwanted." 

"I know he doesn't feel unwanted here." You smile, your words clearly comforting the tall blonde as a small smile graces his lips. "I know this might sound a little crazy, but do you think I could stay here with you guys? I kind of like the kid's company. Besides, you'll need help hanging up decorations, right~?"

Admittedly, you had an ulterior motive for this. As much as you did like the kid and want to help him, you also relished in Rosinante's company.

"Glad you asked," Rosinante promptly responds, taking the cigarette from his lips and letting out a puff of smoke. "I-I was actually thinking about the best way to ask you to stay for a while..." You could see his face flaring up like the 4th of July, his blush even reaching his ears as he nervously scratches the back of his neck. "Glad you beat me to it. A-Anyway, you're welcome to stay...I-I think Law's waiting on you. I'll be there when I've, uh...finished my cigarette." 

"Okay, I suppose that makes us housemates~" You giggle at the man's shyness, your heart beginning to flutter in your chest at his cuteness as you open the kitchen door. "Law~! I come bearing drawing pins~! You found where you wanna hang the stocking yet?" Your eyes scanning the seemingly empty living room for the boy, a slight raise of your brow as worry already begins to set in your stomach. "Law? Where are you??"


"I'm not sure where to put it..." Your body instantly relaxing as you hear the boy mumble miserably from behind you, holding the stocking up against the hallway's wall, a clear pout on his face as he makes his way over to you, handing you the Christmassy decoration. "Where would you put it?" 

A giggle escapes your lips at his innocence as you gently grasp the young boy's hand, tugging him over to the fireplace. "Most people put them on here. Like so..." Holding the stocking up to the mantelpiece's wood, you pin up the decoration, an observant Law watching your actions with a quirked brow. "How does that look?"

You notice the slight frown on Law's face as his eyes cast from the stocking to you. "Aren't you worried it'll catch fire?" You couldn't help but chuckle at his comment. Honestly, how would it catch fire all the way up there? It's no where near the flames! Of course, this only makes the boy more irritable, a huff leaving his lips as he rolls his eyes. "You won't be laughing when Cora-san burns the house down..." 

Oh, yeah. He actually raises a good point...Rosinante has a tendency to cause impossible fires. 

"No, I agree there. The guy can be an idiot sometimes." You snort, hearing Rosinante grunt from behind you, instantly silencing your laughter. 

Where the fuck did he come from?! 

The blonde quickly swipes the stocking from the fireplace and holds it up in the air, watching as both you and Law jump to try and reach it, failing miserably due to the height difference. "Hey! What the hell, Rosi?! Don't be an Indian Giver!" You yelp as you desperately try to take back the stocking, the tall male smirking down at you.

"I'm sorry, I must be too idiotic to understand the concept of gift-giving." The male teases, earning a pout from you. How does someone so clumsy get around so stealthily? The male soon falls to your level however, a loud and pained yelp leaving his lips. 

Looking down, you realize that Law had impaled the man's leg with a drawing pin. Taking an advantage of the now-shortened Rosinante, you snatch back the stocking, a sinister laugh leaving your lips as you ruffle Law's hair, knocking off his little hat in the process. "Whoa, you crazy little shit! You got us the stocking~!" You blurt merrily as Rosinante gloomily picks the pin out of his leg.

You'd usually scold a kid for pulling a move like that...but you know Rosinante, the guy was always setting himself on fire, falling over, hitting his head and cutting himself on anything the slightest bit sharp. You know that by now, the pain tolerance for this man was through the roof. Almost like his height. 

"Because you did that, Law," The blonde playfully grumbles, a crooked smirk etched into his features as he grasps the boy's head once his hat was back on, pushing it down over his dark eyes. "I'm putting the stocking up so high that you wouldn't be able to reach it on Christmas Day~" Of course, he was only teasing. You and anyone else with a set of eyes could see that his heart was far too soft to do that to the boy. 

"Move your hand, you idiot! I can't see!"

Such a fucking delight. Something tells me that living with these pair will be fun.

Look What I Got! {Corazon x Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang