"Homework and working." She responded.

"I thought you had 4 days off?"

"Quincy needed help yesterday so I went in and I could use the extra money. It wasn't that bad though."

"That nigga Quincy just wanted you to be around him."

"No he didn't."

"I know he got a crush on you."

"You think so?" A big smile came across her face.

"Ima put a end to that."

"No you ain't! You got yo hoes, why can't I have mine?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Because you don't need none. It's a headache, trust me."

"Oh I know you know."

"Come visit me. I need some company." I changed the subject.

"I'm giving you company right now."

"I wanna see you in person. FaceTime isn't good enough."

"That means I have to get dressed and do my hair and put my eyebrows on, I'm tired."

I laughed at the eyebrow thing. "You don't have to put your eyebrows on, just get up here."

"Am I even allowed in your dorm?"

"I'm not in a dorm, I got a hotel for those reasons."

"Ugh I'm not coming if you already had company."

"I haven't. Just bring yo ass on."

"Alright, alright. Give me an hour."

"Don't hold me up."


"Bring something to change into for later, I wanna go eat." I said.

"Okay, I'll be there soon."


"Alright." She hung up.

I decided to get up and jump in the shower real fast. When I got out I slid on my clothes and straightened up my room a little bit.

There was a knock on my room door. I glanced through the peep hole to see who it was then opened it. It was one of the players from the team.

"Wassup Chris. Feeling better from yesterday?" He asked.

"I'm getting there."

"I hope coach ain't scare you away, I think you'd be a good fit for the team."

"Naw he didn't."

"Look, I came up here to invite you to a party tonight. You get to see the best part about being in college and on the basketball team." He handed me a flyer. I glanced over it.

"This say 21 and up." I pointed out.

"We got you."

"One of my friends coming to see me, can I bring her."

"Fasho I got you."

"Good looking, I'll see y'all later then."

"Alright." He walked away from the door. I was about to close it but somebody stopped me.

I pulled it back open and there stood my baby. I pulled her into the room, sat her bag down and picked her up like I always do.

"Wassup Blondie." She rubbed my blonde curls.

"Wassup." I walked over to the bed and sat down.

"I've missed you." She buried her face in my neck.

"I missed you too."

She climbed off of me and took off her jacket and shoes.

"So do you like USC?" She asked.

"I don't know. I went to their practice and my body feels like I got hit by a ton of breaks. I can barely lift up my fucking arms."

"What do you think it's going to be like when you go to the NBA? It'll probably be worse." She climbed behind me and started massaging my shoulders.

That shit felt amazing!

"I know, that's what I've been telling myself but I'm still not sure this is what I want."

"What do you want?" She asked.

"I've been really thinking about what you said about leaving California."

"Wow...where are you thinking about going?"

"Michigan, Kentucky...I don't know where else yet."

"U of M or Michigan State?"

"I sent my highlights to both, if I really wanna make it I gotta make sure I'm at the best school."

"Howard is dope." She put her chin on my shoulder.

"I bet it is...Howard is like the black Harvard. My grades ain't meeting their standards."

"You'll never know if you never try."

"I'll think about it."

"So what are we doing today?"

"Going to a party." I turned around and hovered over her. "And I'm not taking no for an answer.

Her eyes rolled up in her head. "I thought we talked about you trying to change me."

"I'm not trying to change you, I just want you to live a little. Enjoy yourself sometimes."

"I hate parties." She laid back.

"I ain't never met a chick as boring as you."

"Well get used to it." She sat up a little bit. "I'll go under one condition."

I raised my eyebrows.

"I'll go if you apply to Howard." She said.

"It's always an ultimatum with you."

"Better take the offer."

"Okay, I'll do it." I climbed on top of her. "And when I get denied yo ass will be giving me my application fee back.

"You won't get denied. Stop putting yourself down. I know sometimes you live up to the color of your hair but I know you're not that dumb."

I started tickling her. "I thought I told you about the dumb joke girls.

She was so busy laughing she couldn't answer me.

"Who dumb?" I asked.


"I can't hear you.."

"Nobody!" She could barely breathe. "Nobodyyyyy Chris."

I stopped tickling her. "That's what I thought."

She stopped laughing and tried to catch her breath. "You get on my nerve."

"No more dumb jokes."

"Alright alright."

I watched her yawn then rolled over on her stomach.

"I'm tired, let's take a nap." She suggested.

"I'm cool with that. I got up early as hell."

"Me too."

We both got under the cover and she snuggled up against my chest.

I just rubbed her hair until she fell asleep.

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