5: Changing Him.

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"Dr.Taemin?" Hyeri placed her mug on the little table that hovered over her legs. "I thought you worked on the third floor." 

"Yes but I'm still assigned as your doctor, miss me?" Taemin smirked and took a bite of Hyeri's untouched toast. 

"Yah! I was going to eat that." Hyeri chuckled and sipped her warm milk.

"Have you even been eating?" 

"Yes. I finished most of my breakfast, be proud." Hyeri grinned.

Taemin smiled back and opened her file. "I have your progress right here."

"How am I doing?" Hyeri sat up, eager for the news.

"Great. You're improving really well, faster than expect. If this continues, you'll be out of this hospital by next month." Taemin flipped through many papers until finally looking up at Hyeri. 

"That's wonderful news!" Hyeri's eyes gleamed with happiness. 

"Would you like a reward for being such a good patient?" Taemin asked.

Hyeri tapped her chin. "Anything?" Taemin nodded.

"I want to go out and get a hair cut, my hair has been bothering me lately. I want Baekhyun to accompany me too." Hyeri ran her skinny fingers through her brown hair.

"Sounds simple. I'll let you go. You leave at two and get back by three, an hour is all you get." Taemin closed his folder.



"Darcy, do you think you're going to be okay here by yourself?" Hyeri shuffled toward the little girl. Darcy nodded against her pillow, her eyes barely open. 

"Yea.. I'll be fine." Her voice was hoarse and scratchy. 

"Hey, are you alright?" Hyeri's hand touched Darcy's face and it was hot. Her hand traveled toward Darcy's forehead and it was burning. "Darce, you have a fever. You need a nurse, now." 

"Hyeri... don't worry about me. I'm just tired. I can sleep it off." Darcy's weak arm tried to shoo Hyeri away but it fell back down to her side.

"No Darcy. You need a nurse." Hyeri leaned over and pressed the red button as hard as she can. A low buzz erupted and a lady nurse came running in.

"Darcy, you buzzed?" The nurse looked past Hyeri and directly at Darcy's back.

"No, I did. Darcy has a fever and she's feeling more tired than she usually does." Hyeri held Darcy's hand.

"Move over, let me check." The nurse forcely pushed Hyeri out of the way and placed a gentle hand on Darcy's forehead. "Oh My.. Darcy, you're flaming. Why didn't you say anything? Doctor!" The nurse ran out of the room, calling for a doctor. Hyeri glanced at Darcy's painful face.

"Darce, I have to go before they yank me from you themselves. I'll be back soon." Hyeri kissed Darcy's tiny fingers and glided back to her own bed. A doctor came sprinting back with the same nurse.

"Hello Darcy. How are you feeling today?" He had a warm smile. Hyeri took one last peek of Darcy before the nurse closed the curtain over them.

Baekhyun strolled in. "Ready to go - what's wrong with Darcy?" His eyes trailed over to the blue curtain that separated the room in half.

Hyeri could only shrug. "I don't know but I do hope it's nothing bad." 

"Well we should go, give her some privacy." Hyeri finally found a pair of slippers and slipped them on. She dragged her feet on the white tiled ground. Her hospital gown kept falling off one shoulder. Reaching over, Baekhyun helped her fix it. 

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