3: Getting To Know Hyeri.

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"Miss.Kyo, please wake up." A cold hand touched Hyeri's arm. Hyeri rubbed her eyes open and before her was a new face. He was tall, his light brown hair was pushed up and he had a warm smile. He wore a white lab coat, identical to the previous doctor. "Ah! Good Morning." 

"Who are you?" Hyeri groaned and sat up. The sunlight from the window shined in her face - almost blinding her. She squinted and tried to use her arm to block it off.

"Here, I got that for you." Reaching over, the new doctor closed the curtains for her. "I'm Dr.Lee but you can call me Dr.Taemin. I bet the last doctor didn't even introduce his name." Hyeri shook her head. 

Taemin smiled and sat down on her bed. "Don't worry, I won't hold the thing with your grandfather against you." 

"T-Thank you." Hyeri stuttered. She stared at him, taking in his simple features.

"Is there something on my face?" He joked and his hands touched around his face, making Hyeri chuckled. 

"No.. you just look really young.... like Baekhyun. I bet all the nurses are all over you." Hyeri didn't mean to flirt, she was only telling the truth. Taemin laughed and his cheeks turned pink. "Speaking of nurses, where's your's? Shouldn't there be a snobby nurse by your side?"

"I didn't call for one. I think we'll be fine with a one-on-one talk, don't you think?" Taemin smoothed out the wrinkles in the bed sheets. Hyeri nodded.

"Okay so, I just need to ask you some quick questions." Taemin looked through the file.

"I know." 

"But think of it as a normal conversation, like I'm a friend of your's." 

Hyeri folded her hands in her lap, "Too bad my friends don't talk about things like this."

"What do you talk about then?" Taemin looked up from his papers. They shared intense eye contact. Hyeri felt as if she was mesmerized by him.

Hyeri turned as red as a tomato as she thought about her 'friends.' "Um.. we talk about the latest trends and who has the most money." She felt embarrassed for telling Taemin. He only smiled and ruffled his papers.

"Well, think of me as a different type of friend. A friend whom you tell your problems to." Hyeri nodded. "How are you lately? Enjoying life?" 

"Not really, to be honest. I'm suppose to be living a normal teenage life but I'm not. After my grandpa left, all his money, business, everything was passed onto my step mom. She's suddenly went on vacation so everything is now passed onto me." Hyeri looked out the window as Taemin scribbled down something quickly.

"Are you happy?" The question stuck to Hyeri. She fiddled with her fingers.

"No... not really." Taemin sighed and placed his pencil and papers on the bed. Grabbing Hyeri's hand, he rubbed his thumb over her backhand.

"Have you ever fainted before?" Hyeri thought long and hard. 

"Only recently." Taemin nodded and patted her head. "Dr.Taemin... what's wrong with me?" Hyeri's voice cracked.

"You have depression, Miss. Kyo." Hyeri's mouth gaped open. How can she have depression?

"It can't be. I've never noticed." 

Taemin gathered his things and got up. "You've never noticed because you were too busy to pay attention to your health. I'm guess you thought you were healthy?" 

"Am I not..?" Tears formed in Hyeri's eyes.

"Hyeri, your eating habits have changed, you faint from being underweight, you sleep more than a normal person really should, you have rebellious behavior. You're pretty far from being healthy."

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