Chapter 11

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Nicki: Here's to another year!

Nicki said and they all took their shots back swiftly. They all laughed at the sour faces they all made after the fairly strong tequila shot.

She had come out clubbing with her girls as a chance to celebrate her birthday. It was the perfcet opportunity for all of them to get together and enjoy a good night out seeing as they rarely got the chance due to them all having such busy schedules.

Amber: come on Nic, let's go and find you a link

Nicki chuckled before vigorously shaking her head.

Nicki: I'm good, no one night stands for me

Lauren: why not? is there someone in your life?

Thembi: It's that byron guy isn't it?

a frown made it's way to Nicki's face and she shook her head again.

Nicki: that ship sailed a little while ago. He's not looking for anything serious clearly. And don't get me wrong we weren't looking for anything serious when we got into it, but at least some kind of attention would be nice

Justine: So you're single?

Nicki: No

They all gave her look that she knew she would receive at some point. She just chuckled and rolled her eyes.

Nicki: and I'm not even gonna go into to it so don't even ask

It was now their turn to roll their eyes.

Lauren: how are you gonna tell us you're in a relationship then not actually give us any details.

Nicki: It's complicated

And that was all she offered before standing and straightening out her dress.

Nicki: I'm here to have a good time, not talk about my love life, so who's gonna join me for a dance

Lauren stood up and took her arm and lead her to the dancefloor seeing as the other wanted to sit this one out...

Nicki arrived back at her house around 4am. It had been a fairly good night out and she had definitely enjoyed herself. She closed the door behind herself and set her alarm before taking off her shoes. She made her way up the stairs and into her bedroom before falling onto her bed. She took her phone out of her bag and finally went through the notifications. She furrowed her brows slightly when she came across a message from Drake that she had clearly missed earlier.

I'll be round to pick you up at 11 tomorrow morning. Dress comfy and Pack for the weekend. -Aubrey

She was slightly confused, and to make matters better, very tired, so she knew she would have to pack later on. She didn't know what he was up to but she knew at this point to just go with it and hope it wasn't something she'd regret doing.

She woke up to her alarm ringing around 9am. After turning it off, she groggily sat up and rubber her eyes. She sighed at the very short lived, but much enjoyed sleep she was in the middle of. She sat scrolling through her feeds for a few minutes before she  decided to finally get out of bed and proceed with her morning routine.

By 11 she had finally finished packing for the night away and had dressed herself in some comfortable attire, with her hair slicked back and very little make up on. She picked up her bag, phone and keys, before heading downstairs, just in time with the doorbell ringing. 

She answered it and found him stood in some grey sweats and a white t-shirt with a jacket over the top and some Jordan's. He smiled at her and she did the same before welcoming him in for an embrace.

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