"Good. I was trying to look like you today." I said earning me a punch in the face.

"Fucking faggot! You're gonna regret that." Erick spat.

"The only thing I regret was seeing those sad drawings of your dick." I managed to say through gritted teeth before feeling another punch hit my face causing me to fall against the lockers.

Erick lifted his fist to strike me against my cheek again as Mason kicked me in the stomach. Causing me to curl myself into a ball on the ground in attempt to protect myself but it only got worse. They kicked me repeatedly on my back and head then Erick grabbed my hand with a sinister grin on his face as he said, "I wonder what good a piano player is with broken fingers."

I felt my body start to tremble and tried to yank my hand away but he applied more pressure to them.

"AH!" I screamed.

"Is the little faggot scared?" Erick asked with a smirk and started pulling my finger back.

"Stop! Please!" I begged feeling tears fill my eyes.

"The faggot is actually begging? Why does that not surprise me?" He chuckled sending shivers down my spine.

"Go to hell!" I spat kicking his ankle and attempting to escape only to be grabbed by his sidekick and pulled back by the hair.

"I've had enough of this little faggot. Time to get this show on the road." He said as he grabbed my hand once again but then suddenly disappeared. I peeked through my closed eyes to find Carlos punching Mason while Darren kicked the living hell out of Erick.

"Piece of shit! I'll make you regret that!" Darren spat as Erick held his arms up in attempt to block his blows but this was Darren we're talking about. He doesn't show mercy. I watched as Darren raised his fist and gave a good swing to Erick's face, knocking him out instantly. Mason was also passed out on the ground and Carlos looked around in triumph until his eyes landed on me, and all color drained from his face along with Darren's.

"Are you okay, Seth? Oh god, what did they do to you?!" Darren ran to my side reaching his hand out to touch me but I quickly slapped it away scared still. "I'm sorry. We should've gotten here sooner."

"It's fine. I'm fine. Just don't touch me..." I managed to say as my body started to tremble again. That's when Darren wrapped his arms around me sending shivers through me instantly as I felt the warmth overcome me and I clinged onto him.

"It's alright now, Seth. It's okay." He whispered soothing my nerves as I cried into his shoulder.

We sat in the hallway for about 10 minutes before Darren finally picked me up and carried me to his car. I held on to him tightly as if my life depended on it. He was the one person that could make me feel safe. He was my savior.

He placed me in the passengers seat and buckled me in then got in the drivers side, to head somewhere away from here.

Far enough that I felt content and was able to sleep without any bad dreams.

When I woke up I was on a bed. Darren's bed. I blushed as I smelled familiar cologne that Darren wore all the time. I quickly sat up feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. I winced as searched the room for Darren. "Darren?"

"Yeah?" He asked coming through the door wearing gray sweat pants and a white v-line t-shirt.

"Just wondering where you were. I didn't see you." I blushed.

"I was talking to my mom on the phone downstairs to let her know I had a friend over."

"Oh, okay. Umm when should I go home? I mean I can go now or-"

"Seth. Just relax. It's been a long day and you need to rest." He smiled sincerely.


"Rest. Seth." He demanded.

"Fine." I pouted causing him to chuckle and me to glare back.

"Sorry, you're cute when you pout."

"Shut up." I mumbled crossing my arms.

"Aww come on. You know you like it when I say that." He teased leaning in closer.

"N-no I don't." I lied. Truth was I loved when he called me cute because it was him saying it though I still disliked the term cute.

"You do." He whispered in my ear causing me to blush as I felt his hot breath on my neck. Then he suddenly bit my ear lightly making me gasp. "Just admit it."

He trailed kisses down my neck as he pushed me back on the bed and got between my legs. He continued to kiss down my neck as I let my head fall to the side allowing him room to eventually suck on my soft spot. I gripped the back of his shirt nervously as his lips found mine. His hand gently cupped my face as he deepened the kiss by slipping his tongue between my lips. I shuddered at the sudden invasion but welcomed it as my hands moved to his hair, tangling themselves in his silky brown locks and giving a light tug. He moaned into my mouth causing me to grin before a moan escaped my lips as I felt  his little friend poking me. He started moving his hips into mine causing more moans to escape my mouth.

"You really like that, huh?" He chuckled pulling his head away.

I just blushed a deeper shade of red as he dipped his head back down to capture my lips. His rocking sped up as his hands moved up into my shirt to tease my nipples.

"D-Darren...mmm..." I bit back my moan as he rolled his thumb over the tender bead. My back arched as I felt more pressure in my groin. I couldn't stop the moans that forced their way past my lips. I loved the feeling he gave me. I loved his gentle touches. I loved him.

"I love you, Seth." Darren whispered as if he read my mind.

I stared at him before a wave of pleasure washed over me. "D-Darren I'm gonna..."

"Me too." He said through a strained voice as he quickened his rocking. I immediately arched my back further as I came and Darren's climax followed close behind.

"So ready to admit it." He smirked, breathless.

"Nope. But maybe another day." I grinned causing him to kiss me on the lips gently.

And that's where his lips belonged. On mine.

OKAY! Long time no update! Did a little plot twist, so tell me are you cheering for Alec or Carlos? Hmm... My deepest apologies for this long wait, I just have been so busy and then so lazy but Monday's my birthday and I wanted to post something that'd hopefully make you readers happy!!! Thank you guys for reading and I'm extremely sorry it took so long for me to update.

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