The fourth one commented, "Ah, yes. Use their favorite foods as training treats. If they will go to great lengths to get them, then you can push her right to the edge of her comfort zone quite easily."

Great. They were prepared to use my favorite foods against me; that berry had been worth it though. It was too bad that I hadn't had my supper yet, or it would be much easier to resist those decadent berries. I licked my talons clean of the slightest bit of berry juice.

The first one asked, "How far do you think they will go to get those berries?"

Taureen glanced at me speculatively. "I have a pretty good idea judging from how the wild one acted, but there is another way to find out."

He picked up something beside him before rested the back of his hand on his lap. His hand opened up to reveal a shiny orange berry sitting in the middle of his large palm. I watched him, but he never put it down. I tilted my head as I studied the situation.

My cage was on his right side, and his left hand held the berry as he rested his hand on his left leg. The berry taunted me from its position as I flared my nostrils and picked up its fragrant scent. Even if I rested my forehands against his right leg, I wasn't sure I would be able to reach the berry.

The cage was far enough away from him that I would have to leave the cage to even attempt it. The tip of my tail would still be inside the cage, but that didn't really count. I snorted lightly as a memory crossed my mind. When I was young, I had done this to squirrels in the park just so I could feel their soft paws as they stood on my legs.

My feet aren't exactly soft and furry though; they have small razor-sharp blades attached...He does realize that right? Had he done this with any other fruit, I would have ignored him since it was so far out of my comfort zone. Sunburst berries were more addictive than chocolate though, and the shiny orange skin beckoned to me like a siren's song. He just had to learn about sunburst berries... Go figure.

The taste of the last one was still fresh in my mind, making it that much more tantalizing. I really wanted that berry... At this exact instant, I was sure that they meant me no harm; they were just curious. And possibly very, very bored if the thought of luring a wild animal with sharp claws and teeth out of a cage sounds like fun.

I took slow steps, remaining low to the ground while keeping a careful eye on Taureen, and an ear on the other three. The door faced him, so I only had to travel in a straight line. For some odd reason, none of his chairs or couches had arms on them, making the seats just a bit lower than the end tables that they were touching. My back legs cleared the door, and I hesitated, how far could I trust them?

All of my blood memories told me that they were not sadists and did not enjoy torture. I had to remember that they were not known to be very tolerant of other sentient beings or races on a long-term basis. If they found out that I was intelligent, things could get messy.

They kept ignoring my presence and the fact that I was obviously having second thoughts. They were all extremely relaxed, although I knew they were masters at using body language around animals and that their actions were intentional. I lifted my head and slowly peered over Taureen's leg. The berry was still there.

I slowly put one hand on his leg and rested some weight on it. He didn't react, and I moved closer to put my other hand further up. My heart beat faster, simply being in the vicinity of a Kymari made me uneasy - and now I was actually touching one! His skin is quite warm; I wonder if that is normal?

I was tense with nerves, and my ear tufts lay flat against my head as I leaned towards the berry. Just as I had feared, I couldn't quite reach it, but I had come too far to go back at this point when the berry was just out of my reach. I moved my right leg up and slowly inched forward while moving my right hand another small step. I was ready to bolt if he so much as twitched.

My eyes were on the berry, but I saw a small bag containing a dozen berries on the seat beside Taureen. I thought fast; was there any way that I could get that bag? I was sure he would block me if he thought I planned on grabbing it.

Now all of my feet were on his legs, and I could feel the heat of his body radiating from his chest and legs. I was close enough to grab the berry in his hand now and slowly picked it up in my jaws as I carefully turned around on his right leg. I noticed that he was barely breathing to avoid spooking me. I somehow suspect that he doubted I would actually get this close considering my behavior in the past. I could really mess with any test results given my bipolar actions.

I jumped towards the cage and heard the quiet sounds of surprise from several of the Kymari behind me. I had made sure to not dig in my claws, but they had been watching my claws and head, as well as where I was headed. They had not expected me to hook my tail through the handle of the bag when I had jumped. I now had both the berry that he had taunted me with as well as the bag of berries. I had never had more than three sunburst berries in a day before.

I was ecstatic.

I heard two of them start chuckling as I curled up under the heat lamp and started to nibble on a berry. The fourth guy was finding it particularly hilarious as he told Taureen. "You are going to have to start doing a better job at securing the treats."

Taureen also seemed amused. "I didn't think that she would even step foot out of the cage while we were here, and I certainly didn't expect that she would actually stand on my legs or grab the bag of berries. I am also quite surprised that I don't have any scratches from her claws."

Apparently, he hadn't thought that one through. My wing was throbbing from the jouncing of my jump, but I figured that it was a small price to pay for an entire bag of sunburst berries. They lost their focus on me, and their talk turned to matters within the city once again.

They left the door open, but I ignored it. I had my berries.

In the end, I decided to save half of the berries. I carefully wedged the remaining berries under a fold in the cloth and tossed the bag out of the open door. I curled up and relaxed as they discussed how their friends and family were doing.

After a while, all of them left the room, and I blinked as I regarded the open door of the cage. Okay, I know they are aware that the door is open. Now what are they up to? Curiosity ate at me though, could there be something around the room that could help me plan my escape?

I slowly eased out of the cage as I kept an ear on the door. If I heard it open, I was running back to the dubious safety of the cage. The end table was fairly low since it was about the same height as the couch cushions, but it was probably a three foot drop. I carefully dropped down to the floor, wincing as my landing made the pain in my wing flare up.

After a few moments, I started exploring. Just as I had noted before, there was truly nothing to hide under or behind.

The three other doors were closed. I eyed up the window, but with my wing out of order, there was no easy way to get up and a jump that high would jar it something fierce. I didn't see anything to operate the semi-opaque blind covering it either. I shook my head and decided to call an end to my wandering before they returned.

I napped for a bit before Taureen returned. He closed the cage door before dimming the lights to a very low level. He went into one of the back rooms, and I saw a dresser before he closed the door behind himself. That would be his bedroom then, and if my blood memories were reliable, I knew that the room beside it was the washroom.

I examined the door without moving. I am not sure what you are up to buddy, but I am not buying it. The door was slightly ajar, and I could have pushed it open if I chose to. He knew that he had left it so.

I pretended to not notice it; it wasn't like I could fly anyways. Perhaps he would begin to assume how I would behave, and when my wing had healed, I could slip out without him noticing immediately. I didn't even bother thinking the words careless or sloppy, such words did not apply to the Kymari race. Almost all of their actions were deliberate and thought out.

Upon Wings Of ChangeWhere stories live. Discover now