Chapter six

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"Gajeela-san! Levi-san!" Levi turned around to see a little boy with dark blue hair run up to him and Gajeela. The two were walking home after school.

"Hey squirt!" Gajeela said squatting down and ruffling his hair. The little boy was Wendall Marvell. Wendall laughed as Gajeela ruffled his hair. Levi looked at Gajeela with soft eyes. She was beautiful and this was a side of her that was rarely seen. He snapped out of it when he realized he was staring.

Gajeela stood up, holding Wendall's hand.

"Let's get this little squirt home." Gajeela said adjusting her bag and doing that half smirk she always did. Levi smiled and took Wendall's other hand. The three starting walking down the street.

"I wanna do swing!" Wendall said. Levi smiled down at him.

"Ok, one..two..three go!" Levi and Gajeela both held Wendall in the air while he swung his legs and laughed. Levi spotted an ice cream shop.

"You guys want ice cream?" He asked. "Yes please!" Wendall responded instantly. "Sure." Gajeela said smiling.

They walked over to the shop where Gajeela got a blue raspberry popsicle, Wendall got a chocolate ice cream cone, and Levi got pistachio flavored ice cream in a sugar cone. The three sat on a nearby bench and ate their ice cream.

"Wendall you got it all over your face!" Levi said looking at the little boy who's face was covered in chocolate. Levi wiped it with a napkin.

"Hey Levi-san?"


"Do you love Gajeela?"

Gajeela bit off the end of her popsicle in surprise and Levi stopped wiping Wendall's face.

"W-what?" Levi said his face red.

"Well my dad says that people who love each other spend a lot of time together and do nice things for each other."

Gajeela's normally tanned face was bright red and Levi's face looked like a cherry.

"W-well friends do that for each other to! Friends spend time together and do nice things for each other!" Levi blabbered while he wiped Wendall's face vigorously.

"Yeah but you guys spend a lot of time together, even more than friends do! And Levi you're always doing really nice things for Gajeela! Like getting her ice cream and stuff!"

Gajeela was hiding her face with her hair and her hands. She immediately stood up and tossed her popsicle stick in the trash.

"Gajeela?" Levi said worryingly.

"Let's get squirt home." She responded flatly looking away.

Wendall looked confused. Then his eyes started tearing up.

"Did I do something wrong?" He said starting to cry. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to!" He said sobbing.

Gajeela immediately turned around and hugged Wendall. She lifted him up and patted his back as he sobbed into her shoulder.

"It's ok you didn't do anything wrong." She said gently as she caressed his back.

Wendall looked at her with puffy eyes and wet cheeks. He sniffed.

Gajeela looked at her shoulder, which had a wet stain from Wendall's tears.

"Look what you did!" Gajeela said playfully. "Now I gotta wash my uniform again!" She said putting him down and ruffling his hair.

"C'mon giant let's take this squirt home." Gajeela said taking Wendall's hand. Levi smiled softly.

"Yeah." The three walked to Wendall's house where they dropped him off. They waved goodbye to Wendall's dad as they began to walk down the street. It was evening and stars were beginning to appear in the sky. Levi and Gajeela walked in silence.

The silence was broken by Levi's voice.

"So about what Wendall said earlier...."

"Yes you do love me." Gajeela said finishing his sentence. The two immediately stopped. Levi looked at her with wide brown eyes. Gajeela looked back up at him with her half smirk she always did.

She grabbed his tie and pulled him so that they're lips were only inches apart. Levi's face was on fire and his heart was beating out of his chest.

"And I love you...." Gajeela whispered. Their lips connected and it was like fireworks had gone off. The girl who Levi had a crush on since third grade loved him back. He felt like he could fly. They broke away and looked into each other's eyes. Gajeela hugged Levi around the chest.

"You're a shitty kisser giant." She said looking up at him with a smirk on her face. Their moment was interrupted by Gajeela's phone buzzing. Gajeela let go of Levi and grumbled as she dug her phone out of her bag.

"What do you want ya old hag?" Gajeela said into the phone. Levi heard yelling from the phone. Must've been Gajeela's mother, Gajeela and her mother were so much alike, tall, strong, loud and gruff.

"Alright calm your tits I'll be there!" Gajeela said before hanging up. She put her phone back in her bag.

"I gotta go giant I'll see ya tomorrow." Gajeela said before kissing his cheek and running down the street to her house.

Levi smiled as he watched her go. He then turned around and practically skipped home. When he got to his apartment he put his bag down.

"Yes!" He said as he fell down on his bed. He closed his eyes and laughed. He had never felt so happy in his life. Knowing that the girl of his dreams loved him back made him want to scream with joy.

He sighed and laid down with his head on the pillow. He closed his eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2017 ⏰

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