Chapter five

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Natsumi sat on the roof with Lisano, Gray, Erzo and Juvian. The group was eating lunch. Luc was sitting with Levi and Gajeel, for some reason Gajeel was chewing on a metal screw. Luc decided not to ask why, considering Gajeel could probably snap his neck with her fingers. "So how's the hot-head?" Gajeel asked Luc. "Annoying af." Luc said glancing over at Natsumi who made a face and stuck her tongue out at him. "So she's the captain of the basketball team and the track team?" Luc asked with a boring expression. 

"Yep." Levi responding popping a chip in his mouth, then picking up his book. "Whatchya read'in nerd?" Gajeel asked leaning into Levi and looking at the book. Levi's face turned pink. "Oh! Uh just a really good love story!" Gajeel leaned back and took a glug from her soda. "K giant." Luc snickered. Luc suddenly felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around to see Natsumi laughing. A vein popped out of Luc's forehead and he scooped part of his sandwich and threw it in Natsumi's face. It hit her right on the nose. 

"Oh it's on blondie!" Natsumi yelled. 

"Food fight!" 

Every single student got up and started throwing all kinds of food at each other. Gajeela was sitting in the corner trying to ignore everyone, then she got hit in the back of the head with a rice ball. 

"Oh you wanna go punk?!" Gajeela stood up and chucked a piece of bread at the poor kid that hit her. Erzo was attempting to calm everyone down when he got hit in the face with a piece of cake. 

Erzo's face suddenly seemed darker and he clenched his jaw. 

"Whoever disrespects cake like that, WILL NOT BE FORGIVEN!" Erzo picked up a sandwich and threw it with immense force at John. (GB Mirajane). It hit him in the back of the head. The usually sweet boy turned around and his eye glinted. 

"Oh we're going back to middle school are we, Red?" John said standing up.

"OOH SHITS GO'IN DOWN!!!!" Natsumi yelled. 

John threw off his jacket and cracked his knuckles. Erzo took off his jacket. The two boys began rapidly throwing food at each other. 

"YOU SHALL NOT DEFEAT ME!!!" Erzo yelled as he chucked a rice ball at John's face. 

"This is going on YouTube." Conner said, (GB Cana) as he filmed with his phone. Natsumi was running around and wooting. It was absolute chaos. Levi was holding Gajeela back so she wouldn't kill anyone. Luc and Natsumi were chucking food at each other.

"Everybody stop!" 

Erzo and John stopped in mid pie throw, Natsumi lowered her fist, Gajeela stopped kicking and punching and Gray took her hand off of an upside down cup of shaved ice on Leona's head. 

The principle stood with Lisano next to him. 

"Who started this?!" He yelled. 

Everyone pointed at Natsumi and Luc. 

"Heartfilia, Dragneel! My office now! Erzo clean this up!" The principle motioned with his hand for Natsumi and Luc to follow. The blond and pinkette glared at each other and followed the principle to his office. 

"So would you care to explain, why you two started the food fight?" Vermillion-sensei said as he sat at his desk. Luc and Natsumi looked at each other and then huffed and looked away. 

"She's the one who started it." Luc said pouting. 

"Natsumi is this true?" The principle said looking at Natsumi. Natsumi looked down, then looked back up with big green eyes. 

"Yes I did start it, and I hope you accept my humble apology for it shall not happen again." Natsumi said standing up and bowing. She smirked at Luc through her hair. He glared at her. The principle sighed. 

"Alright I'll let you two off the hook, but this better not happen again." 

Natsumi's eyes lit up.

"Vermillion sensei arigatō!" Natsumi said throwing her arms around the principle. The principle smiled. 

"Now get outta here!" The principle said jokingly. Natsumi and Luc walked to the door. Natsumi spun around in the doorway. 

"Sayōnara!" Natsumi said waving. Luc closed the door. And Natsumi's face went from a smile to a glare. She huffed. 

"That was exhausting." Natsumi said turning around to walk down the hall. 

"What the hell was that?!" Luc yelled at her. Natsumi turned around.

"Look blondie, I only act like that to get on his good side," she suddenly grabbed the front of his shirt, having to stand on her toes. "Tell anyone I was act'in like that and you're dead." She gritted through her teeth. 

She shoved him away roughly and walked down the hall. Luc huffed and walked the opposite way. 

Dang it, I'm in love (NaLu genderbend)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum