chapter 5( part 1)(REVISED)

Start from the beginning

He bit off, "Me. If I ever caught you with another man, I would kill him and lock you away."

She could tell by the expression on his face that he meant the words. The words should terrify her, yet they didn't. She knew that she could never look at another man, so the threat was irrelevant.

His lips crashed onto hers and she could tell by the urgency of his lips that he meant to show her exactly who she belonged to.

Oh God, had she done it this time, she thought.

She tried to pull away from him, only to have his arms grip her tighter.

Despite the pleasure his touch was giving her, she felt the beginnings of fear. What if she had pushed him over the edge?

She pulled her mouth away long enough to manage to say "Case" before his lips were once again on hers.

He couldn't make himself pull away. The force of his anger and passion was rendering him helpless against his own actions. His wolf was telling him to claim her now, to make sure that she would be his forever.

He couldn't get the idea of her kissing another man out of his head, and neither he nor his wolf was responding well to the mental image. His control had suffered a dangerous hit, he knew it, but he couldn't seem to stop.

His mind took a back seat as he felt himself lift her up into his arms and carry her toward the bedroom. He would make her his, and then the threat of another man would disappear...He trailed kisses from her mouth, down her cheek and finally stopped to nibble at her neck.

Jem couldn't think straight for the love and passion she was feeling. She felt as if she was in a haze as he put her on the bed and spread out on top of her. His hands tangled in her hair as he kissed her, leaving her with her head spinning.

His hands went to the hem of her shirt and started pulling it up. He wanted to see her, touch her, make love to her...

This wasn't right, wasn't good...but could she get him to stop before they did something they would both regret?

She needed to try.


Her words managed to break through the haze in his mind, made his hands hesitate where they were pulling on her shirt.

"Stop." She repeated.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because this isn't right, Case."

"Isn't right right now, or isn't right with me?" Jealous anger laced his voice.

"Is there someone else you want to be with?" He asked. She could see his control starting to snap again.

She framed his face in her hands, locked her eyes with his, and said forcefully, "There is no one else I want, Case. I don't know why I said what I did, it was stupid and I didn't mean it. I just don't like having my lack of experience thrown back in my face."

She saw the warmth enter his eyes as he said, "Love, I was not throwing anything back in your face. I was simply teasing you." He kissed her gently this time.

She smiled, relieved that things were back under control. She sat up, needing some distance.

"I'm sorry I did that, love." He said sincerely, afraid he might have frightened her. He was glad she had stopped him; he had every intention of making their first time together a lot more romantic. He was not going to give her anything less than what she deserved.

"It's okay, Case. No harm done." She said.

"Why have you never kissed anyone Jem?" He asked, suddenly curious.

She blushed. "I just never met anyone I wanted, okay?"

"But you want me?" The words were gently, seriously, earnestly said as his eyes met hers and wouldn't let go.

Such a silly question, she thought. What woman with a pulse wouldn't want him?

"Yes. I do. That is all I am saying." She admitted.

He grinned, flashing his perfect white teeth. "Come home with me tonight. We can learn more about each other."

"I'm tempted Case. But I promised Nat. I don't break promises."

He sighed. He didn't like sharing her, didn't want her leaving his sight. But he couldn't overly crowd her or push her too much, or he might lose her, he sensed that much.

"Okay. We have all weekend, I guess."

The smile she gave him warmed his heart.

He loved her, forever, and it was never going to go away, it had never been clearer to him than it was right now.

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