Business Trip

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A Few Days Later

I already got ready, so maybe I should call up KC? No, she might be at work. A while ago I got a promotion and now I work nightshift. It doesn't really fuck up my sleep schedule though. I've always stayed up late and woke up early. I'll call up Laurance. He's probably with Garroth, there living together. Ever since Aaron... Yeah, I've been living alone. I prefer it a lot more actually, not because Aaron's a jerk, but because I can organize the things I want to. I can clean when I want to. Anyways, I'll call up Laurance.
I dial his number on my cell, and wait for an answer.
Right when I'm about to hang up, he picks up.

"Oh, hey Aphmau! What's up?"
"Nothin' much. Just chilling. How about you?"
"Same. Garroth's down visiting his family, and Dante is on a business trip. So I've been pretty bored. Wanna hang out?"
"Yeah, sure. Where at?"
"Let's just go to the park."
"Ok Laurence, see you there."

I decide since I'm going somewhere, I might actually get into something decent, instead of my sweatpants and purple tee shirt.
I walk into my closet and decide to just put on my vibrant red dress, kinda like those ones you see in TV shows. Just the short red dress. I decide I'll also grab my black leather jacket, I was about to grab my yellow one, but I thought that would be too much. I just put some mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick on, just because I'm going to a park who am I gonna see there who cares about my appearance.

Dante's POV

Apparently I have to meet a new co-worker, only on this trip. Ugh, why would I have to meet a person, who I might not ever see again? I don't know.
I walk up to the building, and ask somebody where the meeting room is.
He stated it's a few doors to the left, once I make a right. So I head there, and sit down.
"Hello Dante, welcome."
"Hello, sir."
"There is a person here we demand you to meet. His name is Aaron."
"Hello there, Dante."
A too familiar voice utters.
I didn't think it would be that Aaron!
"Uhm, boss, sir, how long will I have to work with him?" I say, kinda irritated.
"Only a day, Dante. what's the big deal deal?"
He cheated on a close friend of mine... Is what I desperately wanted to stay.
"Err... Nothing."
Calm down Dante, you only have to talk to him for not even 24 hours. You got this.

Aphmau's POV

As I get into the car I get a text from... Dante? It says,
"I'm sorry... This isn't my fault I swear... My phones on 1% Aph, see ya!"
What the fuck Dante? Well, I'll worry about it later, gotta head to the park.

Aye... You didn't expect the Dante POV, did ya? Enjoy this... Thing.

True Love { Genemau }Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang