Part 6-Brook screamed when he saw Brody

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I whizz out of the shower and throw on some joggers and a cropped tshirt. I scrunch my hair up into a ball instead of drying it. This way tomorrow morning it will be naturally curly. It makes me look hot don't diss.

I'm completely forgetting about the whole Ryder in the car scene. I would explain but I will get too upset.

I slide down the bannister. I'm always in a good mood after having the shower I always need after netball. I slump down next to mum on the sofa and curl up next to her.

"What we watching?" I mutter

"Well it's an hour of Corrie tonight." I smile.

"Yay." I love corrie, well honestly I love all of the soaps. Brook takes the piss big time but when do I ever listen to him.

I hear the boys come thumping down the stairs. I lift my head up and see Ryder standing in the doorway. " can I talk to you quickly please Skye?" He says sweetly. I feel mum poking me in the ribs.

I slowly get up from the couch and walk out into the hall. Suddenly Ryder pulls me into a bear hug. Thrills rush through me. How does one boy make me feel this way?

"Stay safe!" Mum shouts through. I halt from the hug and laugh my ass off. Ryder flushes a shade of pink.

I pinch his cheeks and say "awh is the bad boy embarrassed?"

"No." He stutters." Of course not." "Besides you look like a dog." I turn around and shout

"Dick!" At him.

"Skye language young lady!" But she laughs as she says it.

I settle back into the sofa. I look around. "Erm mum, where are the boys?"

"They went out to play."

"Mum it's 9 0 clock!"

"Is it really?" She goes to stand up but looks at the telly and sits back down. "Love go get the boys for me please? Corrie is getting good, you know I love my soaps." She smiled sweetly. I shoved some slip ons on and went outside. I saw Hayden and Aiden.

"Come in you squirts." I said whilst patting them both on the head whilst they sped past me. I caught up to them and whispered into Aiden's ear.

"Erm, you haven't seen Brody have you?"

"He's in Emma's and don't touch my hair ever again." I creased and ruffled it all up. I heard a growl and with that he walked back into the house.

I walked over to Emma's house. Emma is my mothers sister, so my auntie. She knew that mum is ill. Mum has been suffering from being depressed lately we don't know why. So she has to take happy pills. But this means she gets very sleepy. So Emma often takes care of Brody. She loves him dearly she is 30 years old. However, she can't have babies. This makes her extremely upset. So don't mention it okay?

I open the door and shout "it's only me." No reply. I go in to see no Emma and Brody laying on the floor unconscious. I sprinted back to our house to get mum.

She's passed out on the couch. What do I do? Oh my god.


I heard his door bang open and he ran down the stairs as fast as he could. We both jogged to Emma's house we were both out of breath but we kept going we needed to help Brody.

We burst in through the door. Brook screamed when he saw Brody.

"SKYE TAKE BRADY OUT OF THE HOUSE AND CALL AN AMBULANCE. I WILL FIND EMMA." I held my fragile little brother in my arms the tears were rolling down my face. What if he doesn't survive? My brother, my tiny little brother. Hopeful thoughts Skye, hopeful thoughts. Do you know how hard it is to stay hopeful when your little brother isn't breathing?

I call for an ambulance, hoping it gets here quickly.

"OH MY GOD!" Brook shouts from upstairs.



Gas fumes started to fill me. There's a fire upstairs I can see the blazing light.


"IM SAVING EMMA." I can't stop crying, what if they all die? Oh no:-(

I heart steps and thumping. Down the stairs came Brook and a very ill looking Emma in his arms we ran out of the house and soon the ambulance came down the road. They took Brody and Emma in their arms and placed them down in the ambulance.

"We are coming too." I say.

"Wait,what about Hayden and Aiden? Brook says.

"Go get them!"

We leave mum. In a few minute Hayden and Aiden come out of our house in head locks under Brook's arms. He drops them into the ambulance and we sit there in silence. The paramedic keeps trying to speak. But none of us talk. Well apart from Hayden.

"I want to go home." He wails. We ignore him. I sit there cradling Brody in my arms. They managed to get him breathing again and Emma seems fine apart from some burns over her body.

Brody slowly opens his eyes. Brook runs to my side. Brody has very good speech for his age. None of us could ever talk that well when we were his age according to mum.

"Skye, what happened?" He said in his cute little voice. I cuddled him and told him that "we think he breathed in some of the fumes from the fire which caused him to stop breathing." Then I forgot I was talking to a 2 year old. He looked at me confused.

"Skye you idiot he's 2." Brook punched my left arm, joking around.

"Well done Sherlock, I just thought about that." I said back to him, punching him just as hard.

When we got to the hospital we were told Brody and Emma would both have to stay in there for a while to try and get the fumes out of their systems. I was just thankful they were going to be alright?

We visited them everyday. For hours I sat by Brody's bedside chatting away to him. He seemed his normal self after a few days.

Mum finally woke up hours later and visited the hospital as Brook had left a note on the mat saying we are going to the hospital. She woke up to see the note and came straight to the hospital demanding to see her son and her sister.

But everybody was fine, so it's all okay.

Chapter 5;

A week has passed and it's time for the dreaded trip. Me and Brook haven't been attending school because according to mum "we were traumatised."

The lads came over and have been seeing if Brook is okay. Some of them even took an interest in me.

But now it's Monday and I'm packed and ready to go on the trip of a lifetime.

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