Part 21-And then i see black.

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"Where's Mel gone?" I ask quietly from behind Ryder.

"She had to go for cheerleading apparently." He replies with a grunt.

"Oh so now you want Skye?' Ryder growls at Liam and pushes me further behind him?

"I want a bit of Skye and a bit of Mel." He smirks.

I swear to god I feel the puke come up in my mouth and I have to swallow it back down.

"You're gonna regret saying that." Ryder says whilst stepping closer to Liam. He's going to hit him,I know he is.

"Ryder,he's really not worth it." I say taking his hand and pulling him past Liam.

"You wait he only wants to get inside of you then leave you, you know he's the player Skye. He doesn't care about you one bit. No one does. Your mum doesn't. Your brothers don't. Brody doesn't and more importantly Ryder doesn't." Liam growls stepping towards me.

Next thing I know I'm looking at a guilty Ryder.

"He made me angry,he should have said it all. I care about you way too much for my own good." He says whilst pulling me into a hug.

I place my arms around his neck and then let go once I remember.

I stare down at a knocked out Liam.

"What are we going to do?" I ask Ryder.

He shakes Liam gently,it takes a few minutes but in the end Liam is sat up looking dazed. He's not the Liam I remember.

He's different.

A bad different.

"Are you okay?" I ask him whilst kneeling beside him.

"You don't care Skye now go away and wait for him to dump you." He says rubbing his head.

Ryder should have hit him harder,he would have deserved it.

With that I took hold of Ryder's hand and we walked out of the restaurant and back to his car which was waiting for us in the car park.

I climb into the passengers seat and Ryder shuts my door and runs around and slides into the drivers seat and turns to face me.

"I'm so sorry,I shouldn't have done that. But he made me mad. I do care, I care way too much for my own good, but I like you Skye I really do."

"Please don't apologise,he shouldn't have gone there,but answer me one question?" I ask shyly.

"Anything,go ahead." Ryder places his hand on my thigh causing my blood to run to my cheeks.

I turn to look out of the window with embarrassment. Out of the corner of my eye I see a smirk form on Ryder's cheeks.

"Why were you here? With Mel?"

"I was hurt. I wanted someone else to feel my pain. I was being selfish and I knew Liam has a thing going on with Mel."

"Has a thing with Mel?" I ask hurt.

"Yeah,when I first saw him once we got back to the cafe he showed me his messages with her and they really were not pg 13."

"He told me there was no one else?" I say with a tear rolling down my cheek. Ryder is quick to notice and rubs it away.

"He's not the same Liam." He pulls me into a bear hug and I instantly respond throwing my arms around his neck. I don't need Liam. I need Ryder, he's all I need. I pull out of the hug and smile at him.

He returns the smile and starts the ignition. We pull out of the car park and drive with a comfortable silence back to campus.

As I am about to exit the car Ryder comes around to my side and opens the door for me causing a blush to erupt.

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