Part 5-you scare me

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Mum drives me to netball practice in silence until she breaks it.

"I think that Ryder likes you." She sneers. Butterflies slowly get into my stomach.

"No sorry I was thinking of the wrong person I meant Josh." I slowly sink back into my seat ignoring mums comments. I hop out of the car.

" see you later sweetie. God, you're beautiful I'm going to have so many problems with you and boys." She says whilst waving as she slowly drives away. She doesn't know that I'm not popular at school she just presumes I am as Brook is and it's kind of twin thing.

I slowly walk into the sports hall to find no one is in there. Please don't tell me it's cancelled today. Nope, no it's not I can hear cheering outside. I sprint outside grabbing a bib and getting into my normal position. You see I am actually really good at netball and when I say that I am the best person on the team. I'm not being modest I generally got an award at the end of last term saying best person on the team. I put all of my effort into netball it's the only thing I really love. I hope to do it in the Olympics one day. I know, big ambition but I believe I can reach it and so does coach Gray.

I play goal attack. I am actually really good at shooting. We had a shoutout once and I scored the most in the space of 60 seconds. I scored a whopping 40 whilst others had only scored 29 to 33 I must admit I do have my advantages. My whole family were netballers and my mum used to pay for me to have private training with my maintenance she got from my father. Then he started giving me money for extra net balling lessons and maintenance too. My father happened to be loaded. We do live in a pretty big house but however my dad lives in a mansion. Although ive only seen it once for about 5 minutes when I was meant to be staying there but he introduced me to his new girlfriend and her daughter so I ran as fast as I could out of that house and back to my own. He didn't care about us anyway, it was completely obvious. I don't care though I've got a mum who loves me.

I jumped up in the air to catch the ball and pivot around. To see a familiar face. I couldn't quite work it out as my fringe was flying in front of my face. Suddenly I noticed the abs through his skin tight shirt it was Ryder. Why is he here? Does he want to pick one of the these girls up? None of these are cheerleaders though so I don't see why he would want any of them. I carried on my playing like he wasn't even there. He then started cheering. Why is he doing this? Oh my god, what a douche. But I couldn't help but laugh. Which made me earn a cold glare from coach Gray. Lesson was finally over and the sweat was pouring off me. I walked over to Ryder not looking as hot as I did when I left the house although he still raised his eyebrows at me.

"What are you doing here?" I tried to say sexily however it pure failed and it just sounded pervy.

"Your mums car broke down so they asked me to come pick you up."

"Erm, my brother can drive?" I said sarcastically.

"Yes,he can. However he refused to."

"Dick." I muttered under my breath.

" what was that?" He said getting really close to me. I shivered.

"Why do I make you so nervous?" He said sitting back in his seat.

"You don't make me nervous, you scare me." I whispered, I'm quite scared at this precise moment.

"I scare you?"

"Yes, you're the bad boy, known for being a player and you can be an idiot like my brother."

"You don't believe I'm a player, do you?"

"Yes I kind of do, I've seen you play girls Ryder, it's not good."

"You believe everything you hear?"

" no not everything, but this has facts to back it up." I glare at him.

" so when everybody says Harry Signer the one from that band is gay, you believe it?" He said sarcastically.

"No, they say that because they're jealous of him and facts show he's got a girlfriend."

Ryder slowly moves his hand down to my knee. Be strong Skye, be strong.

"Stop the car!" I shout.

"Why what's wrong babe?"

"Either you stop this car right now or I just jump out." I demanded. He slowly pulled into a layby. I stepped, well, stumbled out of the car. I started to walk home. He drove by myself.

" I'm sorry Skye, just please get back in the car. I won't make any moves. I promise."

"It's not the fact you did it, it's how you did it. It just reminded me of something."

" please just get back in the car, I'm on my best behaviour." He said winking. I couldn't stay mad at him."

"Fine." I said stubbornly. I jumped back into the passenger seat. Keeping my eyes on the road.

After what seemed like weeks we finally pulled into my drive. I leapt out of his car and ran into my house. Okay. That's rude. I didn't even say thankyou for the lift. I feel so bad now. Hey ho. I'm sure he will get over it.

My manners are getting as bad as Brook's. I'm actually disappointed in myself. What is he turning me into?

I go back into my room and I hear the front door slam. Someone then starts walking back up the stairs. I can only think it can be Ryder. Oh yes it is. I can here him. I shove a chair behind my bedroom door so I won't face a humiliation again. Can't be dealing with that another time? I turned my music right up. I slid my gym clothes off and stepped into the shower. It burnt on my skin because I had been so cold outside. I started singing along to losing sleep by John Newman. It was honestly my favourite song.

"For god sake Skye, turn it bloody down." Brook shouted through my bedroom door. I ignored him completely.


"Yeah I mean dude she reacted really badly."

"About what?"

"You'll kill me."

"Please don't tell me you bloody kissed my sister."

"No,no, I just kind of placed my hand on her knee." Brook cupped his face in his hands. Oh shit, what have I done. Why is it so bad. I just need someone to explain to me.

"What's wrong with that?" I sneer.

"Don't sneer at me Ryder. She only reacts badly to that because...well my dad used to do it to her when we were in the car. The room went silent. I'm such an idiot. Before I knew it I had Brook crying. No, no. Why am I such an idiot? God, help me,please?

"We don't mention to anyone that I cried, to anyone okay?" His voice boomed across the room.

"I will explain. Well as you know dad doesn't live with us anymore. The reason is. He left my mum for a 25 year old model." Mine and Josh's jaws dropped. We let him go on.

"So my mum was giving birth to Hayden or Aiden, one of he two I can't remember? In the middle of giving birth he got up and told mum. Mum reacted badly for about 5 seconds until she realised she was still in the process of giving birth. It was then we found out that the bruises on her that would magically appear was because of our father. He abused her. So mum had a lucky escape really. Skye found this out no so long ago and all she remembers is my dad touching her knee and her gazing up into his eyes and smiling. Now all that goes through her head is he used that hand to hurt my mum." He stopped with tears brewing in his eyes. I felt so bad. I never meant for her to feel like that or for that matter I didn't mean for him to feel like it. I just broke one of my best mates down into tears. I blame my mother for making me such a douchebag.

"Man, I never realised it was that hard, I'm so sorry." I said patting him on the bag.

"Honestly it's fine Ryder but Skye does really get upset about it. So we need to not bring it up as she will break down, okay?" I smiled at him and nodded. This is what lads are for.

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