Part 17i love you too

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*ten minutes later*

We walk over to the cafeteria after my huge confession,yet as soon as I made it,they all went silent.

They didn't know what to say or do so we sat there in silence no one daring to look at each other. I walk along the path with my head down and I stare at the home screen on my phone,my beautiful baby boy. He's all I want at the minute,I miss him so much.

I feel someone grasping my hand and I look up to see it's Ryder,my heart goes full pelt and beats faster than it ever has before. Why is he doing this to me? Messing with my head.

"I'm ready." He whispers into my ear.

"To what?" I ask confused.

"To tell you about my past." I look at him with a grin from ear to ear.

"Now?"I ask.

"We will eat with these lot and go back to the cabin,alone,okay?" I nod in agreement.

As we arrive in the dinner hall it's empty we are the only group in there and we sit at our usual table. I glance to my left to see Ryder staring back at me. As I turn to my right I see a down looking Liam.

"What's up?" I whisper to him.

"We need to talk."

"Not right now,okay? We will later okay." I give him a peck on the cheek,loosening his frown.

I go up to the food parlour and pick up a pasta salad and a coke out of the vending machine. I need to know his past,why do I even care so much? Why am I so intrigued by this boy? One boy,one boy can make me feel like this.

I wolf down my salad and turn to look to Ryder and he nods and we both stand up from the table.

"Where are you two going?" Liam asks.

"I've got a headache so Ryder's going to come back to the cabin and help me take a few pills." What the hell Skye? Help me take a few pills,what was I thinking? Then again they are boys and boys will be boys so they all just nod and carry on eating their food. As we arrive at the cabin I look into Ryder's eyes and wonder could this be the beginning of an us?

I walk straight over to his bed and plump myself down onto it and I pay the space next to me.

"I know you think I have the perfect lifestyle Skye." I laugh,he does.

"You do you douche." I punch him in the arm gently.

"Skye,I really don't."

"Explain to me then Ryder,I'm all ears."

"I have no proper family,I never really have. My parents died in a fire and I've been in foster care ever since,no one knows what that's like,it's terrible. They wonder why I'm a bad boy and this is the reason. I was five years old and I'd just moved in with my 17th foster family,at first I thought this is great,a mum,a dad,a sister,and even a little brother. They brought me toys and games I was in my absolute element. Until my dad left ,I was seven and my mum became very depressed. I would come home from school and she would be sat up the kitchen table crying whilst looking at old pictures of her and him. My sister had already left home so I was the oldest and I just didn't know what to do. I was only a seven year old boy. Then one day I came home from school and I walked into the kitchen to look for mum and she wasn't there. I looked all around the house and she was still no where to be found. The taxi driver knocked on my door and dropped my little brother Jude into the house from nursery like everyday. I held him in my eyes and cried because I didn't know where mum had gone. I sat at the window after I laid Jude down on the rug to play with his toys. I sat there til dark just waiting for my mum to come home. She didn't. At around eight o clock there was a knock on the door. I jumped off the window ledge and ran to the door with a grin,I was certain it would be wasn't. It was social services,they took me and Jude away and separated us. Forever. When they put me with another family it was awful. I was there quite a while and when I got to about 9 my older brother Kingsley made me start dealing. Yes,I'm talking about drugs. I had to go deliver to dangerous people, I nearly got myself killed many of times. Then I heard Kingsley shouting one night outside the door so I ran to the window and looked. It was my sister,Jude sister, it was Sophie. He was shouting that they were over. I had to sit and watch him hit her and abuse her in the street. I went outside to help my sister and he pushed me to the ground causing a terrible hit to my head,putting me in hospital. I was put with a new foster family. Everyone wonders why I'm a bad boy,I'm not,but I know I have to protect the ones I love and I can't not be defensive against people it's who I am,it was my childhood." I see a tear trickling down down Ryder's face and it cause my eyes to well up.

"You seemed like such an inspirational young boy Ryder." I hold his head in my arms whilst he cries. It feels awful seeing him like this.

"I love you Skye."

"I love you too Ryder,I really do." I mutter.

~short update,but I wanted to do something cute and explain his past~

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