Before I knew it, everyone was packing up their bags and I looked up to see the period was about to be over. I gathered all my stuff in front of me then stood up to get ready for break. I wasn't sure how I was going to play this one, but I was determined to get an invite from Chloe to sit with her friends, and Becca. The sooner I put my plan into action the better.

"So aside from Becca and myself, have you met anyone else here?" Chloe asked sitting on the table with her feet on her chair.

"No, not yet. I haven't had the chance to. What's after second period?" I asked as if I didn't know it was a break.

"The school gives us like a fifteen minute break before third period. Would you like to sit with us? We wouldn't mind a new person." She said pulling out her lip gloss and smearing it on her lips.

"That would be great, thanks." The bell rang as I said thanks, and I followed her to the court yard while taking in everything around me.

Hundreds of kids swarmed out of their classroom, and either went towards the cafeteria, bathrooms, or the quad. Many of them broke off into separate groups, each of them laughing and talking excitedly. All of them oblivious to the real world outside of high school were the only thing that mattered was grades, and who was the most popular or who wore what the best. People my age made me sick at the adolescence, and ignorance.

Why couldn't they all see that all the shit that happeneds now doesn't matter in the future? Why couldn't they realize that the people the befriend now will only turn into a fading memory as the years go by and life moves on. Then once life moves on you get a job, make money, family with annoying kids that start the cycle all over again, and before you know it; you're dead and what did you accomplish? What did you do in your life that made an impact so great that people will remember you?

Probably nothing.

"Carrie? You ok?" I heard someone ask me.

I shook my head and smiled at Chloe. "Yeah, just taking in everything. This place is so huge." I said recovering nicely from my little daze.

"I know. It took me forever to remember where everything was." She said sitting down at the table which was in the center of the quad.

"I could imagine." I replied as I sat across from her at the end of the bench.

Aaron came up behind her and sat down not taking off his backpack. "Aaron, right?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am. Why?" He asked looking at me strangely.

"I just like to remember names. I always feel bad when I meet someone then later on not have a clue as to what their name is." I said laughing.

"Dude, I totally do that all the time." Chloe said laughing slightly.

"Yeah, you actually do." Aaron said smiling at her. "And you're name is Cassie, right?"

"Um, no, it's Carrie." I corrected him feeling my cheeks burn.

He broke out into a grin then replied. "Nah I'm just fucking with you. I knew your name was Carrie."

We all started to laugh kind of loud, and I couldn't help, but feel at ease with them. It was nice for a change to actually laugh without putting effort into it. I couldn't let that side track me though. None of my emotions could get involved with them no matter how nice this feeling was.

"Hey Carrie." I heard someone say from my left. I turned and saw Becca walking up with James. "I see you met my besty Chloe."

I looked up and saw James mutter, "I thought I was you're besty." as he pouted towards her.

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