Chapter 23: Graysons go Home

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Dick's P.O.V
06:00 EST, Wayne Hotel and Spa, Gotham City

"Wake up!"

I was hit in the face, hard, by something soft. I groaned and rolled over. I was hit again in the back of the head.

"Wake up!"

"Sorry," I mumbled. "This line is disconnected. Please try again later. Beeeeeeeeep."

Another hit. I rolled on to my back and opened my eyes as I was hit again. I waited for the pillow to be lifted up, but it wasn't.

"Babs," I said into the pillow.

Barbara lifted the bottom of the pillow and peeked in at me. "Yes?" She asked smiling.

"What are you doing?"

She laughed, "I'm gonna smother you!" I felt her drop her weight onto the pillow on my face.

I laughed too.

"Babs, stop before you kill me."

"Never!" She pressed more weight down onto me.

By then I couldn't breathe. "Barbara really, I can't breathe."

The pillow was jerked off my face. I drew in a sharp breathe, but stopped short when I felt Barbara's lips press against mine. Her hair slapped my cheek, it was wet.

She must've just showered.

I laughed when she pulled away, "What's up with you today?"

She smiled sweetly.

I bit my lip with a fake smile. "I'm in trouble aren't I?" I sighed.

"I'm breaking it to you nicely," she jabbed a finger into my chest that still had a sheet over it. "Nightwing."

I smiled innocently and she rolled her eyes. She jumped off the bed with a loud thud, grabbed the pillow from before, and hit my face again. I laughed and threw the pillow, watching her as she ran a brush through her wet hair. I noticed it was still dark outside when I saw the window behind her. I looked at the alarm clock than back at her.

Six? She's up early.

"Did you just shower?" I asked pushing myself to sit up, but couldn't. So, I just rolled onto my side and watched her.

"Nooo," she teased. "I went swimming in the harbor."

"And you didn't let me come!?" I whined.


"Jerk," I laughed.

"Hey Nightwing!" She snapped. "Let's talk."

"Keep your voice down," I hissed. "How did you even know I went out?"

She rolled her eyes, put her brush down, grabbed the corner of the sheet, and threw it off my body. I looked down to see that I never took off my Nightwing suit.

"I was framed," I said holding my hands up in surrender.

"By what?" She challenged. "Gremlins?"

"Yes!" I said pointing at her. "I accidently fed Damian after midnight."

She laughed, "Being funny is not going to keep you out of trouble."

"Why?" I cried with a fake lip quiver. "It always worked before."

"We were in Blüdhaven before," she said leaping onto the bed, on top of me. "Speaking of which." She kissed me, "When are we going back?"

"What's with the hurry?" I asked. "I'd think you wouldn't want to leave."

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