~Chapter Twenty~

Começar do início

With dread filling me, I look over at the door.

Rat and Stick come in carrying a struggling person. His hands are tied behind his back, a blindfold covering his eyes, and a gag in his mouth.

In a instant, I take in the black spiky hair, the short stature, and what I can of his face.

My heart stops.


Quickly, I look back over at Razim. "Don't bring him into this...he didn't do anything!" I plead, desperation clearly in my voice.

No one else can die because of me.

Please no.

Razims' eyes flash with hate. "Oh yeah?" He walks over to Tom who's been dumped on the ground a couple feet away from me. "He didn't do anything you say?" He crouches down in front of him.

"Well he's your friend!" Razim yells, ripping off the blindfold. "And I'd say that's enough reason."

Tom blinks, eyes adjusting to what little light is in the room.

He calmly looks around, taking everything in. And when his dark blue eyes land on me, they widen, and he immediately begins to ramble into the gag.

Not able to understand a word he's saying, I shake my head.

He stops.

Taking in the room again, I watch as his brave facade starts to shatter. His eyes fill with fear, body starting to tremble.

My own eyes begin filling with fresh tears.

I know what's going to happen. Just like with Jack.

"Tom." I croak out, my throat closing up.

He looks back over at me.

"I was going to be nice and let the two of you spend the day together....to say your goodbyes." Razims' voice brings my attention back to him. "But after that little stunt you pulled, Alex.....you get to say goodbyes now."

Julius walks back in.

No...this-this can't be happening again!

"Do what you want with me." I rush out, looking back at Tom. He shakes his head at my words, already knowing what I'm going to say. "But don't hurt him......please." Tom begins to mumble into the rag again, his fear being replaced with stubborn anger.

And that's how I know he's going to do something stupid.

Quickly, Tom kicks out with his right leg. It connects with Razims' shin, a resounding whack echoing in the room.

Razim's eyes widen in pain.

He hops onto one foot, reaching down to hold onto his injured leg. He looks up at his minions, his face thunderous. "You idiots! Your supposed to contain him!" He yells.

Tom shouts something into the rag - which probably wasn't very nice, his eyes staring over at Razim.

Typical Tom.

I feel myself give a small smile in-spite of our situation.

You can always depend on him.

After The End: Alex Rider FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora